Chp. 42 - Medicine Time

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Asy then took a deep breath in and glanced at CQ.
"Just summon his SOUL, right? Do you have the cream?"
Asy softly asked to CQ while Error began to tear up, clinging to CQ.

CQ nodded. ,,I- I have the cream." She answered, starting to panic slowly over the worsening state of her son.
She took it quickly out, while Ink looked at them worriedly.

Asy nodded and then quickly brought out Error's SOUL, Error just crying more now as he clung to his mother.
"Ma... It hurts..." Error cried while Comyet then peaked from the kitchen in worry, making sure that she was keeping Geno from seeing what's happening before retreating back to the kitchen with the child.

Ink gasped at the SOUL and glanced at Error in horror.
CQ cooed quietly to Error, while she made the cream carefully onto Error's SOUL.

She sighed in relief when she was finished, before looking at Error.
,,Ruru, how are you feeling?" She asked concerned, rubbing his skull.

Error just sobbed. "Hurts..." Error cried as he held on to CQ.
"These usually takes a few seconds to kick in if I remembered correctly."
Asy muttered softly as he puts Error's SOUL carefully back into the chile.
Error then moved and hugged CQ tightly, crying on to her.

CQ nodded slowly, hugging Error back. ,,This is my fault. If I would've looked at the time, this would've- would've-"
The woman blinked and sighed, looking at her son, before hugging him more tightly.
,,I am so, so sorry, Ruru." She mumbled to him.

"Hey hey, it's not your fault, we make mistakes... It's okay..." Asy said softly. "Com it's safe now."
Asy called and Comyet walks out while holding Geno. "How's Error?" "Doing good now."
Asy sighed softly while Error kept clinging to CQ tightly.

"Sheesh... Whoever did that to Error is gonna pay."
Comyet frowned and Asy nodded in agreement.
Error sniffled as he was starting to calm down now.

CQ didn't react, she just kept hugging her son, rubbing over his head and back.
Geno looked up at Comyet and just clung onto her, looking worriedly at Error.

"Error's gonna be okay, Geno. It's fine." Comyet whispered softly before walking over and gently setting Geno down.
Geno just looked up at Comyet, before rushing to Error and CQ.
,,Ruru?" He asked concerned, looking at his little brother.

Error sniffled, looking at Geno before quickly wiping his tears away. "H-Heyy..." Error whispered.
,,Are you okay?" Geno asked petting lightly under Error's eyesocket, rubbing slightly.

Error nodded lightly. "I-I am now..." Error sniffled as he wipes his eyesockets more and Asy sighed softly.
"You're really strong, you know that kiddo?" Asy smiled gently while Comyet hummed.

"You said that it has to be applied every eight hours right?" Comyet asked, glancing at CQ. "The cream I mean."

CQ nodded slowly. ,,Yeah..." She answered, glancing down at Error and Geno.
,,'m still sorry that I forgot the time..." She muttered then out, seemingly still not over it.

"It's- It's okay mama..." Error then shook his skull and clung to CQ.
"S'not your fault... I forgot the time too..." "I see..."
Comyet mumbled as she then began to count and glancing at the clock, mumbling under her breath.

CQ didn't seem very convinced, just looking away, while Geno decided to hug his mother and brother.
,,It's okay!" He cheered. ,,Error is okay now, right?"

"Yes Geno, Error's okay now." Asy smiled gently, rubbing Geno's skull a bit before glancing at Error.
"Oh dang..." "What's wrong Comyet?" Asy turned to Comyet as she finished her counting.

CQ blinked and looked up at Comyet, not liking the dang in the slightest, already worried that her forgetting the time was that bad.

"Tomorrow, Error would have to take the medicine and the cream in school." Comyet blinked.
"We're gonna be busy tomorrow too..." Asy then silently cursed under his breath at that. "Wait-Ink, Savez-vous faire ressortir les ÂMES"

Ink looked up at the mentioning of his name, before blinking and nodding slowly.
,,Oui, je sais comment faire." He answered, tilting his head. CQ was just worried, looking at her son.

"Alright." Asy sighed softly. "Ink can summon Error's SOUL during school, he can help with that problem."
Asy said softly and glanced at Error. "You remember how to apply it right?"
Error then sniffled and shakily nodded. "M-Mhmm..."

CQ seemed a bit calmed down. ,,That's... Good, right?"
She asked in an unsure tone, letting go of Error, as Geno wanted to hold him now.
After all, Error still was his younger brother.
The child patted Error's back lightly, being careful to stay near CQ.

Error then leaned against Geno and clung to him.
"Yes, which means that Error won't be in pain during classes."
Comyet sighed softly in relief while Asy then held CQ.

"It's literally not your fault hun... Even if you were on time for the cream, it would still hurt as it takes seconds for it to kick in." Asy said softly.

CQ looked up at Asy and nodded slowly, while she now did the same, Error did to her.
Clinging onto him. ,,But still..." She mumbled. ,,I should've known better."
"It's okay CQ, we can all be forgetful, especially since this is a sudden schedule."
Asy said softly, brushing his chile's hair out of her face carefully.

CQ looked up at Asy, before just nodding slowly, burying her face into Asy's chest.
It sounded like she mumbled something like ,You wouldn't have made this mistake'.

"Hmm? Did you say something, hun?" Asy softly asked as he then looked down at his chile.
CQ opened her mouth, before closing it, knowing that Asy would probably just reassure her again and shook her head. ,,No..." she answered.

Asy raised a brow and just hummed at that, already knowing that it was a lie. "Alright..."
Asy then went back to carefully petting CQ while keeping the children in the hug as well.

Comyet then sighing softly and kneeling down in front of Ink.
"Inky, chaque fois que Ruru doit prendre ses médicaments et sa crème pendant l'école, je te fais confiance pour l'aider, d'accord?"

Ink looked up at Comyet, before nodding. ,,Oui, Maman." He answered, glancing at Error.
The child seemed a bit worried, before shacking his head and going to Error and Geno.
Error then glanced at Ink and then opened his free arm, just in case that Ink also wanted to join in the hugs.

Ink smiled and joined the hug, carefully patting the two siblings.
He then looked at the two brothers, before looking slowly to his mother, in thought.
The child shook his head and just countinued to hug Geno and Error.


1126 Words

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