Chp. 10 - Breakfast after the shock

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"Do... You want breakfast for today?" Error softly asked, moving to hug Geno as he was sure that the experience must've been terrifying, before glancing at Comyet, who blinked before frowning.
"Have you children not have breakfast yet?" Comyet worriedly asked.

"Nah Aunt Comyet! Error usually hasta make us our radical breakfast." Fresh commented and Comyet blinked.
"Well now this won't do, I'll make your breakfast then, you three stay put... Ink, Voulez-vous aussi prendre le petit-déjeuner avec eux à nouveau?" Comyet asked her child.
,,Oui s'il vous plaît!" Ink cheered and smiled at his mother. Geno looked up at Comyet.
,,I'm...  I'm not hungry." He mumbled. Huh. That was a sentence Geno never had said before.

Fresh and Error glanced at Geno in shock while Comyet hummed, not really seeing what's wrong with that as she was still new to them.
"Alright hun..." "You're... You're not hungry..."
He... He doesn't understand...
Geno never said that before! 'Nightymare Geno never said that before!'

,,Really? Like Never ever before not one time?" Nightmare asked.
,,No... I am not." Geno mumbled. ,,Not at all."
'No, not once... I'm... I'm really worried...' Error thought before slowly nodding,
"O-Okay... Ms. Comyet? Can I assist you in making breakfast?"
Error asked, glancing up at Comyet, who blinked in confusion.
"Don't worry Aunt Comyet, 'tis normal for Error brah, he usually is the one who makes our breakfast aftah all."
Fresh spoke and Comyet nodded a bit.

"Alright then." Comyet smiled a bit.
"Ink, je vais préparer le petit-déjeuner pour vous les enfants, voudriez-vous aussi aider, puisque Error va aussi aider?"
,,Oui! Je veux aider!" Ink cheered happily and jumped up and down.
,,Huh... That's weird. But don't worry too much, yeah? It is good possible that it's the fault of how Geno is feeling today or the painkillers."

Comyet then smiled down at Ink before getting up.
"Fresh, stay with Geno while we make you three breakfast, okay? Come on, Ink."
Comyet asked softly before turning to Ink, having remembered that she already taught Ink that english word.
Fresh simply nodded while Error just nervously got up and then walking.
'If that's the case, then it's getting worse... Geno never had the need for painkillers, which was lucky for us since we never really had one... Well, there was something like this, but Geno's pain wasn't this bad before... I'm just really worried... I... I don't want my brother to die...'

,,I am... So sorry about this, Error."
Nightmare said with a quiet voice.
Ink followed next to Error, smiling at him encouraging.
'You... You don't have to be sorry... It's not your fault, none of this is...'
Error thought and then glanced at Ink before turning ahead and fidgeting with his sleeves nervously.
,,Mhm..." Was the only response Error got, as the children followed Comyet.

Comyet then entered the kitchen. "What do you children want?" Comyet curiously asked.
"Well... Umm... I... I usually make sandwiches since I couldn't really... Cook."
Error murmured and Comyet hummed.
"I see... How about egg sandwiches then?"
"That- sniffle That sounds fine Ms. Comyet..." "Ink, tu veux aussi des sandwichs aux œufs ou tu veux autre chose?" Comyet glanced down at her child.

,,Les sandwichs aux œufs, c'est bien, maman ! Ça a l'air délicieux!"
Ink answered and smiled slightly at Comyet, before patting Error's head lightly.
Comyet nods at that. "Alright then-"
"U-Umm... Ms. Comyet...?" "Yes?" "Can... Can you please... Teach me how you would cook...?"
Error mumbled softly and Comyet chuckled.
"Sure, First thing's first, we're gonna need eggs."
Error then smiled a bit when Comyet agreed without question and began to gather the ingredients.

Ink watched his mother curiously and tried to help Error where he could.
Error then watched as Comyet carefully cracked the egg before handing the fork to Error, who then stared at the egg nervously before nervously cracking it a bit before putting more force.
He ended up cracking more but Comyet just chuckled. "Bon travail." Error was confused.
"Oh, it's Goodjob." Comyet smiled and Error nods.
"Okay..." Error then slowly opened the egg.
"Ink, pouvez-vous mélanger le bol?" Comyet then gave Ink the bowl.
"We can cut up some parsley for the seasonings."
Ink nodded and took a whisk to mix the ingredients in the bowl, looking slowly up at his mother.

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