Chp. 11 - Glück

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Error then slung his bag over his shoulder and then waited for Ink.
"Hurry up." Error grumbled childishly, tapping his foot lightly.
Ink just grinned at Error, rushing to his friend. ,,Me... I Ready!"
He cheered then, looking smiling at the black boned child.

Error nodded and then walked out. "Allons-y."
Error spoke and then began to walk towards the gates, as he knows the school more than Ink, especially since his friend is quite forgetful as well.
Ink blinked in slight shock, before shacking his head. ,,O-oui! Laisse nous partir."
He answered and quickly followed Error.

Error glanced over at Ink and couldn't help but grin in accomplishment, he probably said the right thing then!
He's been trying to learn some basic French so that he could at least know how to communicate with Ink as much as he can.

Soon enough, they're out the school and Error hummed, then turning to Ink. "Where to?"
If he remembered correctly, Ms. Comyet allowed them both to walk home together this time, or well, she'll pick up Ink from his home, as she needed to deliver her project to where she's working... Or something like that.

Ink blinked, before gasping. ,,Oh! Je connais un endroit que je voulais te montrer!"
He said, before grabbing Error's hand beginning to excitedly lead Error somewhere.
Error blinked in confusion at what Ink had said, he only understood 'I know' and that's it, so he'll just trust Ink on wherever he's going.

'Nightymare?' He began, curious if his guardian friend is back yet.
,,What's wrong?" Nightmare responded, while Ink was excited tugging Error along the streets.
'Oh, Nightymare! Do you understand French?' Error curiously asked.
'Oh- And if you can, is there any French dictionary thingies nearby that I can get for free?'
Damn, he seem quite dedicated to learn this language.

The guardian chuckled slightly. ,,Well, I can't speak french, sorry, but you can find dictionaries in libraries. Do... you know what a library is?"
'Uhuh! Will I be able to get dictionaries from library for free?' Error curiously asked.
Nightmare hummed slightly. ,,Well, kind off. You can go there and borrow books for a certain amount of time or just read books right there. You understand?"
'Ohh... Ye ye, I understand.' Error blinked when he felt Ink stop, looking up he then tilted his skull at the word 'Arcade' on it.

'What's an arcade?' ,,I have absolutely no idea, I've never seen this thing before in my life." Nightmare answered honestly.
Ink grinned at Error. ,,Cool?" He asked.
Error glanced up at the arcade before glancing at Ink and slowly nodding. "... Sure."

Error then went inside with Ink, looking around curiously before blinking in confusion at some weird coin dispenser. What the hell is that-
Ink grinned at Error, before pulling him to the coin dispenser.
He said something, but it was too fast to even understand if someone could speak french.

Error was just looking at Ink as if he grew two extra heads. '... What.' "Hein?"
Ink blinked before saying: ,,C'est une salle d'arcade! Nous pouvons jouer à des jeux ici! Ohhh, vous devriez essayer la machine à griffes!"
He cheered, pointing at a weird machine with a claw-like thing.

"E-English please?" Error blinked in confusion. Damn it, if only there was some kind of translator so they could understand each other!
Error was just staring at Ink in genuine confusion.
Ink blinked, thinking for a bit. ,,Uh- uh.... Arcade."
He said then showing with his arms around. He then pointed at the claw machine like thing.
,,Machine à griffes." The child the pointed at Error. ,,Try?"

Error stared at Ink before blinking, looking at the coin slot. "No money."
Error slowly shrugged, he doesn't know why Ink even dragged him here really, looking around, he stood closer to Ink when he saw some of their classmates.
'Not my classmates... They're the bully ones...'

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