Chp. 28 - SOUL

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They then turned back to the children, seeing that the Doctor has went back to checking on Fresh for anything else before moving towards Error, kneeling down in front of... Them?
"Error, I'm gonna need to check on your SOUL, alright?"
The Doctor asked as she then pulled out a device.

"Don't worry, this is quite similar to a stethoscope, but it's for SOULs, as that's what lets you live, like how humans have hearts."
The doctor smiled gently. Error nervously nodded, swinging their legs a bit... Ah, being called a they, or some other... Gender? Is so weird....

Geno looked curiously at the doctor and Error, while CQ watched tensed.
She knew that something was wrong with Geno, but she didn't know if something was wrong with Error, so this was worrying her.
,,If you don't want to be called they, that's okay, okay? If you want to, you can stay a he."
Nightmare hummed. ,,And don't be that nervous, calm a bit down. If it's similar to a Stethoscope, it won't hurt you at all, it will just feel cold."

'Okay...' Error slowly nodded, the Doctor then gave a comforting smile before opening the twin sticks device, revealing it to be some sort of tablet when a black holographic screen appeared in front.
The Doctor then looked through it before frowning in concern as she read what's being shown in the screen.

"I'm gonna have to look at your SOUL directly."
The doctor said seriously while Asy glanced at CQ in worry.
"Doc is something wrong?" Asy worriedly asked, moving and carefully holding Geno, hugging him in a way that it also prevents him from hearing anything.

"I can't say for sure but... I'm hoping that what I'm seeing is wrong."
Dr. Maraya held concern in her voice, something was definitely wrong.
Comyet then moved and held CQ again in case if it's actually bad and concerning.
CQ looked quite worried and fiddled with her fingers.
The woman looked at Asy, because he was the person she trusted the most in this room and looked back at Error.

"I'm gonna have your SOUL out little one, it would feel weird at first, but I assure you, it won't hurt."
The Dr. smiled gently and Error looked at her reluctantly.
"It- It won't...?" "No it won't." The doctor than carefully touched Error, who glitched at the unfamiliar touch before he calmed a bit.
Error then nodded, before proceeding to look away.

Dr. Maraya then carefully hovered her screen above Error's chest before jerking it towards herself and Error flinched a bit in surprise when his SOUL was then forced out.
Asy's eyesockets widened in shock and worry, quickly covering Geno's eyesockets as well while the doctor's eyes widened in horror.
Comyet softly gasping as she covered her mouth.

The moment Error's SOUL was out, it revealed it to not only be glitching heavily, but there was a carved mark on his SOUL as well, The initials of 'NM' with a strikethrough across and a jagged circle around it.

(Made by Neva)

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(Made by Neva)

The doctor recognized this immediately and looked at Error in worry.
"You... You were one of the..." Error simply refused to look at the doctor in the eyes.
Comyet and Asy was horrified, who would do such a thing on a child?!
And judging by the looks of it, it still looked fresh!
"This looks no older than just a few months ago too..." The doctor muttered in concern.

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