Chp. 13 - Planning

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"Ma's home!" Fresh exclaimed upon hearing the knock, getting down and then rushing towards the door excitedly.
Error then got up as well while Comyet chuckled at Fresh's 'enthusiasm'.
Geno gasped and laid the ,magic box' beside, running after his younger brother with excited giggles.
Ink looked at the CQ brothers and laughed slightly at that.

"Welcome home, ma!" Error chirped excitedly as Comyet then stood up and walked towards CQ.
"Hey, hope your job went well?" Comyet spoke softly.
CQ hugged her children, before looking at Comyet.
She seemed a bit hesitant, before answering: ,,It... it did."
"I see." Comyet nodded, smiling a but, but she was actually mostly concerned for CQ, she doesn't look happy after all.

"It was great ma! Error got us gifts!" Fresh exclaimed excitedly while Comyet chuckled.
"Ink took Error to an arcade today, and your son has a lot of luck on his side if he won every claw machine he's played on." Comyet smiled.
"I still don't get what's so special about winning those. Ink couldn't really explain to me." Error pouted childishly.

CQ blinked in surprise and shock, but quickly masked it with a smile, as she rubbed over Error's head.
,,It's just that those kinds of games need a lot of luck, Ruru. Most people can't play those games." She hummed.
Geno gestured a bit with his arms. ,,Error also had a magic box with himself!" He cheered.

"Error won a switch." Comyet chuckled. "Ya!"
Error grinned happily at mom.
"And look mama! I also got you a gift- hold on!" Error then rushed towards the bag and pulled out a plushy before giving it to CQ, it was a cute yellow goose with a bell on the mouth
CQ blinked and laughed slightly, perfectly masking her disbelief.
Damn, she is a good actor. The woman patted Error's head, smiling at her son.
,,That is very nice of you, Ruru, thank you. But did you have fun?"

"Yeah! It was my first time on an arcade and I got many cool toys!" Error chirped.
"Ma he got me a furry!" He showed the Furby.
,,Oh?" CQ said and smiled at her youngest son. ,,That's very cool, Freshy!"
She said and rubbed his head, before looking at Error. ,,And that's also nice!"
Geno giggled slightly and hugged his mother. Ink looked up at Comyet, seemingly getting bored.

Comyet noticed and chuckled a bit. "Well, I'll go and help you with your stuff yeah?"
Comyet smiled lightly and then carefully grabbed CQ's stuff. "Here lemme help!" Error then grabbed the smaller ones before blinking.
"You have more bags today ma." Error then glanced up at CQ, ah yes, more paperwork.
"C'mon Error, Ink, veux-tu aider?" Comyet asked and Error tilted his skull at Comyet in confusion.

,,Oui! Je veux aider!" Ink cheered, rushing to the bags and grabbing one. CQ blinked.
,,I can- I could do that alone, you don't need to help me-" She said, clearly suprised by the friendliness, Comyet showed.
"We want to help, CQ." Comyet smiled gently and carefully pats CQ's shoulder before glancing down at Error.
"Mama's room is this way!" Error chirped.
"Ma you know the rules. Rest on the couch." Error giggled softly, ah yes, it's becoming a routine at this point.

CQ seemed to want to say something, but decided not to.
The woman sighed and stood up, Geno grabbing her excitedly by the hand and dragging her with himself.
Fresh then quickly followed CQ while holding his furby close, sitting besides CQ while sporting a large grin on his face.

Geno smiled up at his mother, before gasping. ,,I am going to get you water!" He cheered, jumping off into the kitchen.
"Broski don't run!" Fresh reminded his brother and then leaning against his mother.

"You can just put these here..." Error then carefully sets the bag down, glancing at Ink before glancing at Comyet.
"Ms. Comyet, Mama's bag goes over there." Error pointed.
Comyet nodding and then setting it down as well and looking around. CQ honestly had a nice room.

Ink quickly set his bag down too, while looking around in pure curiosity.
,,C'est une très belle pièce!" He cheered then.
Error blinked in confusion. "Ink said that the place is beautiful, hun."
Comyet chuckled and Error perked up. "Yeah yeah!"

Ink giggled slightly and looked grinning at his friend. He then looked at the bags.
,,Qu'est-ce qu'il y a même là-dedans?" He asked curiously.
"Je ne sais pas ma chérie, mais nous ne devrions pas jeter un œil car ce n'est pas à nous, d'accord?"
Comyet then carefully rubbed Ink's skull, smiling gently.
Ink looked up and nodded then. ,,D'accord, Maman." He answered and leaned into the rubs.

Comyet nodded, smiling gently. "C'mon."
Comyet then began to walk out, Error looking at the bags before following after Comyet and closing the door behind them.
Ink quickly followed, being next to Error, happily looking at his friend.
He then booped Error, just to annoy him.

Error blinked before pouting at Ink before he then quickly rushed downstairs.
Comyet just following behind the children.
Ink grinned at his friend and smiled a bit, before rushing to the living room.
CQ was sitting on the couch, obviously completely exhausted, yet she listened smiling as Geno rambled about the magic box.

Error then sat down besides Geno and pulled Fresh to his lap.
Fresh blinking before snuggling up to his big brother happily and peeking over to Geno's 'Magic box'.
"Anyways, CQ, me and Ink will have to go home now, as it's getting late." Comyet then smiled gently at CQ brfore walking over and holding her hand.
"If you ever have problems, don't hesitate to confide in me, alright?" Comyet softly spoke.

CQ blinked in confusion and cocked her head to the side. ,,Al...right?"
She said, clearly not understanding why Comyet was talking to her like that.
Comyet then hugged CQ a bit before pulling away and looking at Ink.
"Allons Ink, nous rentrons à la maison maintenant, pourquoi ne dis-tu pas au revoir à Error et à sa famille?" Comyet smiled gently at her child.

Ink seemed a bit dissapointed but nodded anyways. ,,Awww... D'accord, maman. Au revoir- Bye, Error, Geno et Fresh! Au revoir Madame CQ!"
"Bye Inky-brah!" Fresh called while Error just waved with a small smile.
,,Bye-bye, Ink!" Geno cheered, while CQ smiled at the artistic kid.
,,Good bye, Ink." She said. Ink giggled lightly and ran to his mother, grabbing her hand.

Comyet then left with Ink, Error then humming lightly. 'Nightymare?'
,,What's wrong, kiddo?" Nightmare asked, still chilling in Error's mind.
'Should... Should I tell Ms. Comyet about Mama's problems...? I don't think this Liam employer guy made her work better..."

,,I think she already figured out by herself, watching her... But if you want to, you could do that. Maybe she could help..." Nightmare hummed.
'I noticed... But Ms. Comyet wouldn't be able to do anything of mama won't tell...'
Error then glanced over at the Switch to watch Geno again.
,,That's true... Thisis quite a complicated situation." Nightmare answered slowly.

'Mhmm...' Error slowly nodded, looking at CQ for a bit.
'I think I should tell Ms. Comyet with Mama in the room... Could that work?'
,,Maybe... It could. But I think your mother would try to stop you. She doesn't seem like someone, who wants to let others know about her situation-" Nightmare answered thoughtful.

'She doesn't...' Error thought for a bit.
'Well, I don't want to go behind mama's back... So telling Ms. Comyet in front of mama's the next best thing.'
,,That is true... Well, we will see how this will go." Nightmare answered.
,,Let's just hope for the best."
'Uhuh!' Error then went back to looking at the 'magic box'.


Welp, this is Chapter 13!

We're spoiling you guys way too much >:( /j

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

1324 Words

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