Chp. 16 - Visitors

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Soon enough, they reached the park and Comyet led them out, the park looked so pretty during the sunset.
"Pretty." Fresh tilted his skull a bit while Error nods a bit and then looked around curiously. 'Hey... Nighty?'

,,Yes?" Nightmare hummed. ,,Something wrong, Kiddo?"
Geno was excitedly jumping around, looking amazed at the sunset and Ink hugged his mother.
'I'm curious but... Did you have someone to guard before me?'
Error curiously asked, wanting at least some distraction from both his tiredness and his raging thoughts.

,,I-" Nightmare went silent. ,,I-  I guess you could say so."
The guardian was silent for a bit more. ,,...Let's say it didn't work out good."
'Oh... I'm sorry for asking...' Error sadly thought as he allowed his brother to drag him to the pond again.
Fresh and Comyet just following after with Ink.

,,It's alright, kid. There was no possibility for you to know."
Nightmare said, while Geno rambled excitedly about how cute the ducks were and how the sun is so pretty.
Oh, and something about how CQ would love all this.

Comyet just chuckled softly, bringing her phone out.
"Ink, peux-tu trouver un bon endroit pour poser pendant que je dis à tes amis de faire face à la caméra?" Comyet curiously asked her child.
Error glancing at Comyet curiously at the phone in hand. "You also have a phone?"
"What's a phone?" Fresh glanced at Error.
"Oh it's uh... It's like Geno's magic box, except it has more function... Look." Error pointed at Comyet's phone.

Ink nodded happily and began to look around for a nice place.
The child then stopped under a big tree near the pond.
Geno came curiously to his brothers and looked at Comyet's phone. ,,Coool...!" He said amazed.

"Alright kiddos, time for a groupie to show CQ where we were!" Comyet chirped.
"Position yourself where Ink is and do a pose."
Comyet smiled while Error seemed to brighten up a bit.
"Are we gonna do this thing called selfie?"
"Yes Error, except it's a groupie." "Okay!"
That seems to have given Error some energy as he then quickly stood besides Ink.
Fresh staring at him before shrugging and following.

Geno blinked confused, but he shrugged too and rushed giggling to the others, jumping excitedly up and down.
"For this, you're gonna have to stop moving Geno, even for a bit. Can you do that?"
Error raised a brow playfully while Comyet chuckled and switched it to front mode before positioning herself.
Geno giggled and nodded, trying to stand still.
But he still had his excited smile on his face, as he looked to the phone in curiosity.

Comyet then glanced over, seeing Error teaching Fresh to do a peace sign and grinning, Fresh copying the action while Error then held Ink's hand and gave a peace and a small smile, Comyet then glanced over at Ink and smiled when he was also in position before looking at the camera.
"Say cheese!" "Cheese?" "Cheese!"

,,Uhhh... cheese!" Geno cheered, even if he was a bit confused, while Ink just screeched with a wide grin: ,,Gouda!"
Haha, Ink. Very funny.

Comyet just giggled softly and snapped a photo.
"How about another?" "Eh, sure."
Error hummed lightly and Fresh just gave a thumbs up.
Geno tilted slightly his head, but nodded then grinning, despite the excitement, that was bubbling in the child.

Soon enough, another picture was taken and Comyet went to look at it, Error then rushed towards Comyet in curiosity, still holding Ink's hand.
Geno followed Error and Ink and jumped excitedly up and down, wanting to see it too.

"Huh... That's really cool." Fresh looked at the photo that Comyet showed him, Error smiling a bit. "It definitely is."
Geno gasped. ,,It iiiis! This is us! How does that work?"
The child looked up at Comyet in wonder.

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