Chp. 18 - Seeking help from the outside

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CQ looked at Error, raising an eyebrow, while a cat stroke purring around her son's legs.
,,Error, is something wrong?" She asked confused.

Error blinked a bit then glanced at CQ. "Well..."
Error nervously fiddled with his hands a bit before he then moved and sat on CQ's lap.
"Mama... Is... Is your work really being nice?"
Error finally began and Comyet blinked, now looking at CQ in concern.

,,Eh?" CQ answered and coughed slightly.
Seemingly uncomfortable with the question, which she quickly tried to mask.
,,Of- of course it is!" She then said, tapping with her fingers on her leg. ,,Why shouldn't it be?"

"You stuttered ma." Error frowned lightly. "... CQ?" Comyet worriedly asked.
"Is... Your work going okay?" Comyet worriedly asked while Error bit his bottom lip before looking up at CQ with an unreadable look.
He was feeling pretty anxious but Ms. Comyet has to know!

CQ seemed more and more uncomfortable with every second, yet she refused to admit anything.
,,I am- It is-" The woman took a deep breath, before tilting her head.
,,My boss is my friend. So of course it's doing okay."
She said with closed eyes, her fingers still tapping against her leg.

Error frowned lightly. "No he's not your friend... If he was! He'd-" Error then stopped for  bit.
"He'd be nicer with your sch... Sched- schedule!" Error frowned up at his mother.
"Error, I don't thi-" "No!" Error then slammed his hands down on the couch.
"I'm sick of this! Mama's suffering..." Error began to tear up a bit.
He hates seeing CQ suffering! He can see it!

They were lucky that Fresh, Geno and Ink were busy upstairs so they didn't hear Error's yell.

CQ visible flinched at that, looking to her side, fiddling with her fingers.
,,Of- of course he is my friend." She mumbled.
,,We were friends since school- If he- if he wouldn't be my friend, he wouldn't have given me shelter and a job..."
The woman was clearly uncomfortable, scooting around in nervousness.

"If that were the case, he shouldn't be this hard on you, CQ."
Comyet said seriously, moving and carefully placing her hands on CQ's shoulders.
"CQ, please... Be real with me... What's happening in your work..." Comyet softly spoke.
"Ma... You have to tell Ms. Comyet... Please..." Error mumbled softly.

CQ bit her lip and looked away, her breath slightly ragged.
The woman  rubbed her arm. ,,It's- it's not important-" She avoided the question.
"Mama's work is mean." Error interrupted CQ, looking up at Comyet.
"Mama's work is very mean... Before Mama got a bit better with money, Mama's boss was really mean, made her overwork and gave her min... Minu... Minumim wage." Error sniffled.

"Even now, the only thing that changed is money! Mama has barely any time for us anymore and the- and the money is still not enough to pay for Geno's hospital! And Geno's getting worse and and-"
"Hey hey hey, Error, calm down..." Comyet worried as Error pretty much broke down now, hands moving to his eyesockets in a futile attempt the wipe the tears off.
Even as a child, Error worried so much, Comyet could only realize just how much Error has bottled up.

CQ looked panicked at her crying child and decided to do what's the best right now and took Error in her arms hugging him.
She seemed worried and a bit panicked. ,,Hey, Hey, Ruru, calm down..."
She hummed to her child.

"Noo..." Error cried as he then hugged CQ. "I hate your work- I hate your boss!"
Error sniffled, burying his face on CQ's shoulder. "I hate- I hate them..." Error cried softly while Comyet leaned forward and carefully pets Error with CQ.
"There there..." Comyet then glanced at CQ in worry before moving and bringing both mother and child into the hug.

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