Chp. 26 - Hospital

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CQ tapped rapidly with a finger at her leg, while also anxiously nagging at her fingernail of her other hand.
She didn't seem well, way to panicked and worried at the moment, her eyes looked around the hospital floor.
She then breathed in and out. ,,Calm down, CQ. The doctor said he will survive it."

She muttered to herself and took a deep breath in, before letting it out.
Fresh had a concussion and, of course, his skull was damaged.
The woman looked at Comyet, before sighing.
,,Am I too worried? I am too worried, aren't I? The doctor said he would survive, why am I still panicking haha-"
The woman laughed nervously. It wasn't because she was happy, but it naturally calmed her down.

"Hey, it's okay, like the doctor said, it's gonna be fine."
Comyet said softly, placing her hands on CQ's shoulders to ground her.
"Take a deep breath in through the nose, then out the mouth, yeah?" Comyet said softly.
"Mama!" Error then rushed inside and hugged CQ's leg, Asy then walking in with Geno on his shoulders.
"Hey, your stuff is safe in the house now." Asy smiled gently while Error just clung to CQ's pants.

CQ just absently nodded, while Geno waved. ,,Hi, Mama!"
The woman hugged Error and waved Geno lightly. .
,,Hey you two. The doctors said Fresh's gonna be fine." She smiled,  hiding her own panic, while also following Comyet's instructions.
,,Of course he is gonna be fine!" Geno huffed. ,,Why wouldn't he?"

"Right, you're absolutely correct." Comyet chuckled softly while Asy nodded, patting Geno's skull a bit.
"I'm gonna go and get some drinks with Geno, any of you want any?" "I'll have a coke."
Comyet hummed. "CQ? Error?" "Uhh... Whatever, I guess..." Error mumbled, hugging CQ tightly.
CQ shrugged. ,,I uhh... I guess- Everything's fine, I don't really care."
She answered, rubbing Error's skull.

Asy nodded and left with Geno. Error then glanced up at CQ.
"M-Mama, how's Fresh?" Error quietly asked. "A-And Don't lie..."
CQ sighed and hugged Error. ,,I'm sorry." She mumbled.
,,But at least he will survive." She said then.

Error slowly nodded. "U-Uhmm... When... When will we be able to... To visit Freshy?"
Error softly asked before noticing that Asy and Geno were walking back now with drinks.
,,When the doctors say we can." CQ hummed, rubbing Error's skull.
,,Mama!" Geno called, making the woman look up and smile at Geno.
,,Hey, Gen-Gen." She hummed and smiled at the child.

"We got you your fave." Asy then handed CQ her soft drink, then giving Error Sarsi.
Error took it curiously and tilted his skull a bit.
"Why don't you give Comyet her Coca Cola?" Asy kneeled besides Geno with a small smile.
Geno nodded smiling and rushed to Comyet, holding up the Cola. ,,Here, Aunt Comyet!"
He cheered and grinned at the woman.

CQ smiled at Asy thankfully, before scooting closer to him, leaning against the skeleton wordlessly.
Asy glanced at CQ before carefully wrapping an arm around her. Comyet taking it thankfully.
"Thank you Geno." Comyet cooed before she opened her can and began to drink, Error's mouth open a bit in awe before slowly attempting to copy, with struggle of course.
He then flinched in surprise when he did managed to open it and watched as it bubbled in cutiosity before taking a drink.

Asy couldn't help but chuckle a bit when he watched Error's excited eyes as he drank the carbonated drink.
"What did the doctor say about Fresh?" Asy whispered quietly to CQ in concern.
CQ sighed and looked up at Asy in worry.
,,He... has a concussion. And his skull is split open."
She mumbled, cuddling more onto Asy. ,,I... can't stop panicking, honestly."
She mumbled then and opened her can easily.

"Oh CQ..." Asy whispered and then carefully holds CQ close.
"I'm sure Fresh is strong, he'll overcome this."
Asy said softly and reassuringly. "He may be your youngest, but he's still a strong child."
Asy gave his chile a comforting smile.

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