Chp. 5 - Cooking Time

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As you guessed, cooking time. We used a medieval dish, as Nightmare didn't bother to learn any new ones, I mean, why should he? He's fine without new dishes.


Error blinked awake as he then stared at the ceiling. The 'Lucid dream' fresh in his mind.
He then blinked a bit before yawning.
Ah right, Saturday... "Broski's awake!"
Fresh called as he then got out of bed excitedly.
Error's mood already hitting him and he grumbled in annoyance, slowly getting up.

Geno cheered slightly. ,,Yay! Morning, Error!"
He said and smiled brightly at his brother, before coughing slightly. ,,Did you sleep well?"
Error blinked and slowly narrowed his eyesockets. "Uhuh..."
Error yawned as he stretched a bit before slowly edging himself to the edge of the bed and then got up, stretching a bit.

Geno smiled at Error. ,,That's nice! I slept good too! Fresh, did you sleep well too?"
The child asked his youngest brother.
It was a wonder where he got his excitement in the morning from.
"Slept radical broski!" Fresh grinned and Error whined in annoyance.
"Shut up." "No can do broski!" Fresh laughed, ah, there's his grumpy glitchy.

Geno just giggled at his brothers. ,,What do we want to do today?"
Geno asked then and tilted his head.
"Oooh we could color! We still have the radical crayons and stuff!"
Fresh chirped happily while Error then got up.
"M'gonna make breakfast for us." Ah right, he was the one who usually made the sandwiches for the boys.
Sure Geno does it well, but Error preferred it to be done by him alone, especially since Geno's sick.

Geno gasped. ,,Yeah! We could! Colouring is fun! And... alright, Error. Should I help you or do you not want help?" The child asked the younger one.
"I'm fine alone." Error grumbled, waving his hand a bit.
"Thanks anyways, you should go have fun with Fresh." Error hummed.
"Let's go!" "Fresh don't drag Geno." "Sorry brah!"
And Fresh quickly slowed down at the reminder, but he was still 'excited'.

Geno smiled at Error, before following Fresh giggling, his eyelight a star.
His giggling was interrupted by coughing, but this didn't stop the child.

,,...Sooo... ya gonna make food now?" A voice suddenly sounded in Error's mind.
Error flinched in surprise at that before blinking.
"... Nightmare...?" Error quietly asked in confusion as he then began walking down the stairs.

,,Yup, that's my name. You don't need to talk to me, like loudly, that would be weird. I can hear your thoughts." Nightmare hummed.
Error blinked and slowly nodded, seemingly relaxing a bit and then walking to the kitchen.
'Okay.' Error thought, honestly, that was also weird too, but then again, he wasn't allowed to openly talk about what happened in the cult so it works anyways.
Sorry if it was weird Nightmare. Ah, he's rambling, dangit.

,,It's alright. You can't really control your thoughts anyways. Sooo, you're gonna make sandwiches, if I heard right?" Nightmare just said.
'Uhuh... Mama isn't really able to buy food much so we make do with what we can."
Error spoke, opening the bread box and grabbing the bread. 'Huh, just enough.'
Error was happy with that, he then went to the fridge and opemed it, quickly grabbing what he needs and then closing the fridge.

,,Oh." Nightmare said, before going quiet. Then he suddenly said:
,,Y'know what, kid? I am going to teach you how to provide food and cook with not many ingredients a normal meal."
Error blinked lightly. 'But... We don't have a lot either anyways... Plus, mama only has enough to last us two meals a week...'
Error thought, well it can't be helped.
He wonders what leftovers he'll gave to heat up for lunch and dinner later now that he thinks about it...

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