Chp. 27 - Eos

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Error then looked at both sides before pointing at himself in confusion. "Yes, you, sweetie."
"But... My name's... Error..." Now Error was more confused now.

CQ blinked. ,,I never named my child Eos...? I think?"
The woman blinked, ruffling through her own, pink hair.
"Do you... Not remember...?" The doctor asked in confusion.
"You named them Eos, it's even in their birth certificate." Dr. Maraya worriedly said.
"Really? I'm sorry but it kinda sounds a bit farfetched, as he's named Error..." Asy trailed off.
"CQ, do you have Error's birth certificate?" Comyet curiously asked, glancing at CQ.

,,Uhm... I don't have it here right now-" CQ answered.
,,I put all the important stuff about Geno, Error and Fresh into a red folder, which is in a box of my privat stuff- But I don't- I don't really uhm... remember Error's birth...  ahehehe...  He... he..."
The nervous and confused laughter awkwardly died down.

"You don't?" Asy blinked in concern. "Why not?"
Asy added while the Doctor hummed lightly.
"Well, the hospital still has the original Birth Certificate, as you never actually claimed it..."
Dr. Maraya spoke and Comyet blinked. "Can... Can we see?"

'What's a birth certificate?' Error couldn't help but wonder.
,,It's uhh... practically a proof of your existence."
Nightmare answered. ,,On it's written is your name and sex and stuff like this."

,,I... never claimed it? Huh..." CQ hummed confused, before looking at Asy.
,,Uhm... there was an accident. I don't really remember what happened and no one told me, but I woke up in the hospital, wasn't pregnant anymore and couldn't remember anything that happened around a month ago before I woke up. So, uhh, yeahhhh... Error's day of birth is completely blank, there is absolutely nothing."

"I see... Well, you were admitted into the hospital a few days after you gave birth..."
Dr. Maraya spoke while Error couldn't help but giggle a bit.
"Guess th-there was an error in my birth."
He doesn't know why he felt obligated to say that, but it was perfect.
And seeing Asy choke on air and laugh made him giggle.

Comyet just coughing a bit and bursting into small giggles while the Dr. Glanced at Error in surprise, but smiled a bit before turning to CQ.
"If you never claimed it, then there's a chance that you were given a fake one... The reason why, I don't know." The doctor spoke.

The pink haired human cackled a quiet laugh at the pun, before looking confused at Ms. Maraya.
,,There is no reason why anyone would change the name of a newborn, right? I mean, why would anyone?" The woman shook her head.
Also, Geno had come to them, not wanting to be alone and had decided to take Comyets hand, because of... unknown reasons. Maybe he just liked her.

"I'm quite confused of that too, Ms. CQ." The Dr. Said before blinking when she noticed a nurse walking in.
She walked over and whispered something to her. The nurse nodded and quickly rushed out.
"I told my nurse to get the certificate... Now, I'll go and check on your child's vitals."
The Dr. Smiled gently before walking over towards Fresh and then carefullt doing her check up.
Error watching with curiosity and concern.

CQ nodded slightly. The woman patted Error calmingly.
She herself was just confused and wondering about what happened. 
,,This is quite interesting..." Nightmare hummed.
'I'm just confused... Also, did you notice that Ms. Dr. Used they? I'm not two people.'
Error added in confusion, watching the doctor just carefully check stuff on her clipboard.

,,Oh yeah, now that you're saying it... Weird. And, they doesn't need to mean that you're two people, Ruru. It can also mean that you're non-binary, meaning you're neither girl nor boy."
Nightmare answered humming.
'Non... Binary...?' That was the first time he's heard of the word, weird.
'And more than one genders can exist?'

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