Chp. 31 - New Home

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"And we're home." Asy hummed as he pulled the car by the driveway, them then walking out while Error looked up.
Ah, almost forgot that the place they're staying in was a-

,,Mansion." CQ said and blinked. ,,This is a mansion."
The woman tilted her head and looked at Asy.
,,This is home?" She asked then in disbelief.
Geno jumped up and down. ,,Uh-hu! It's a huuuuuuuge house! It's great, right?" He cheered.

"Yep." Asy then ruffled CQ's hair lightly. "I know that you're not used to this, as the biggest house you've stayed in was probably mine."
Asy sweatdropped a bit before looking at Error. "Error was excited to tour you, Geno and Fresh in all honesty... And it's not really too late, Geno's gotten a glimpse but we left quickly for the hospital."
Asy chuckled. "Yeah- Tour time!" Error cheered, throwing his hands up.
"I already memorized eeeeverything back when I stayed here for my projects with Inky!"

CQ nodded slightly at Asy, before looking down at Error.  She then smiled.
,,That's nice, Ruru. I would love to get a tour from you!" She then cooed.
,,I am sure you'll be a great tour guide."
"Well then! We enter our new humble ab... Abode!"
Error chirped, marching towards the large doors excitedly while Asy laughed softly.
"You go on ahead, I'll take the car to the garage."
Asy waved before getting back inside the car and then driving off.

CQ looked after Asy and took Geno's hand, who was bouncing up and down.
The woman quickly followed Error, looking around in wonder, excitement, disbelief and shock.
Error showed and pointed all of the rooms that he remembered, as well as the rooms that Comyet told him that he and anyone else wasn't allowed to enter.
Well, anyone but herself, Ink and Asy... Probably private matters and Error couldn't careless really. Halfway through, Asy found them and just joined in.

"And this is the bedroom hallways! Also the last place for the tour because bedrooms!" Error giggled lightly.
"I asked Ms. Comyet that me, Freshy and Geno also have rooms together for now, so we do! That's Ms. Comyet's, that's the guest room, that's Inky's and this is ours, Geno!"
Error then pointed a prettily done multicolored door.
"Ms. Comyet painted it! Mama! Your room is right next to us!"
Error then rushed forwards and pointed at CQ's room excitedly.
"And Apa Asy is right across yours!"

CQ blinked and tilted her head in wonder, her eyes looking around.
She was visible fascinated by everything.
She then looked at Asy with the same look, before going slowly to the door, Error had told her was her room, opening it slowly.

In CQ's room, was... Actually a mix of CQ's current room from the old house, and the room Asy had decorated in Asy's house whenever she would stay, it was definitely nice.
"Ms. Comyet said that Apa Asy decorated your room all by himself! And he added your stuff too!" Error chirped and Asy shrugged.
"Thought you'd like having some nostalgia I guess?"

CQ stared into the room with wide eyes. ,,I-"
She began, but didn't end her sentence, as she slowly walked through the room.
The woman took a plushy in her hands, staring at it.
A light red hue was on her face, before she quickly put it away.
CQ countinued to walk through the room, before turning around.
She had teary eyes, before she rushed forwards, hugging Asy tightly.

Asy lets out a small oof at that before slowly hugging back and patting CQ's back.
"Was it that bad?" Asy sweatdropped a bit, ruffling CQ's hair a bit to comfort her.
CQ sniffed, rubbing her eyes, as she looked up at Asy.
,,No... no-" She began, before smiling. ,,It's perfect, thank you, Asy..."
What do you mean with ,it sounded like she wanted to start Asy's name with a 'd''?
There was absolutely nothing, no-

Asy raised a brow at that, but didn't comment on it instead and just nodded.
"It's no problem hun... Anything for my little Queen."
Asy whispered, kissing CQ's temple gently.
Error grinning happily, Mama's happy!
"Geno look! Mama's happy!" Error whisper yelled.
Geno nodded excitedly. ,,Uh-hu! I like it when Mama's happy!" He cheered and giggled.
CQ just sniffed, still hugging Asy tightly.

"Me too!" Error giggled softly. "Wanna see our room?" Error grinned.
"It's also Freshy's room, but he's having a sleepover with the doctors right now." He pouted childishly.

CQ blinked and nodded then, rubbing her eyes once again.
,,Of course! I would love to see your room!" She cooed.
The woman let go of Asy, smiling at her sons.
Asy then chuckled softly and then followed after Error, who then opened the CQ bros' room.
It was honestly very pretty, it looked like their old room, but the difference is the fact that the bed is literally king sized now, there was a carpet and then a balcony.
"There's a balcony in every room by the way." Asy snickered softly.

The ceiling was adorned with stars, all glow in the dark, and there was a sticker of a huge tree in a free space besides the balcony.
Error pointed at it. "We're gonna stick photos to that! T'was my idea, me and Ink thought of this beforehand as this was also the room I would've sleep in if I wasn't able to go home alone at night."
Error chirped, so basically, it's been there for a while now...

Explains the couple of photos on it.
"Your son can get pretty creative when he wants too." Asy chuckled lightly.
"Ooh! Ooh! There was a music room here earlier and I asked Ms. Comyet if I could take one of the instruments for Fresh, and she said yes!"
That explains the bass in the corner. "Most of the expensive items you see are a gift from me and Comyet, it's to welcome you four into the Mansion."
Asy smiled at CQ and Error nodded excitedly.

CQ looked around, clearly still in wonder. She then stared at Asy.
,,This is... I... wow... so huge! And so much! And- And like you don't need to think if you can fit something in because you definitely can fit something in here!" She gasped.
"I know." Asy chuckled softly. "A little fun fact, but every room is the same size, so there's also just as much space in your room, I'm sure you noticed that too?"
Asy smiled at CQ while Error then carefully drugged Geno inside and then removed his shoes.
"Geno look!" Error then began to bounce on the bed.

Geno gasped and rushed to Error, shoes carelessly tossed aside, as he joined Error.
CQ nodded at Asy, before her eyes wandered to her sons.
Error giggled with Geno, grabbing both of Geno's hands and began to circle around the bed as they kept bouncing.
"Fun huh? It's bouncyyy!" Error squealed excitedly.
,,Yeah! Fun!" Geno cheered, his eyelights stars. ,,I could do that the whoooooole day!" The child squealed.

"No you can't! We still have a lot of things to do for the day!"
Error then giggled as he carefully pulled Geno on the bed, giggling as the softness of the bed easily cushioned their fall.
"They like the bed huh?" Asy chuckled softly, smiling softly at the brothers before glancing at CQ.
"Oh right, Error, we haven't shown CQ her work place."
Asy then grinned a bit and Error gave a loud gasp.

"Oh right! Mama! Come on come on come on! It's very prebby and you'll like it cuz I like it and Geno will like it and Freshy as well and is very prebby!"
Error rambled excitedly as he got off the bed and quickly got a pair of fluffy slippers on, quickly grabbing a white pair and giving it to Geno.
"Dis yours now too!"
Geno gasped and put the slippers on too. ,,Fluffyyyy!"
He squealed and jumped up and down. CQ blinked and tilted her head, looking at Asy, then at Error. ,,Uhm... Alright!" She answered

"Mama come ooon!" Error exclaimed, grabbing Geno's hand and beginning to rush down the hall excitedly, however, still being mindful of Geno's sickness.
Asy just laughing softly and then walking after them with CQ.
CQ looked after her children and smiled slightly.
She then looked happily at Asy, as they were following two excited children.

Soon enough, they had reached CQ's workroom.
"Here mama! You have to open it, it's yours after all!" Error exclaimed, jumping up and down a bit excitedly.
CQ blinked and looked at her son, before nodding, and staring at the door.
She then opened slowly the door, staring into the room.


Mansion is huge <3

1461 Words

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