Chp. 38 - Spooder

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Asy and CQ had came towards where Error and Geno was, to find that they were now currently where the kitchen was.

Error was currently looking through some of the old stuff in there in curiosity, looking through drawers and stuff before Error quickly slammed one of it shut in surprise. 'That was a spider.'
,,Pfff- And? Spiders are everywhere, Ruru." Nightmare chuckled. ,,You don't like spiders?"

Geno flinched slightly in shock when the slam sounded through the room, turning quickly around. ,,Error?" CQ said carefully.
"Spider." Error glanced at Geno and CQ while Asy blinked.
"Ah... Spiders are friends Error." Asy chuckled softly.
"They... Are...?" Error asked hesitantly. 'No... Well, I usually just try to avoid it as much as possible, they're scary.'

,,Huh... Well, don't worry. Most spiders aren't dangerous to you, even less spiders are to skeletons. If there even is a spider dangerous for skeletons. Because - y'know. We only are made of bones."
Nightmare hummed. CQ chuckled lightly and petted Error.
,,Asy is right, Ruru. Spiders are friends. In fact, they eat things like mosquitoes. Which I am... quite thankful for. I don't think any of you three would have any problems with those little, blood-sucking devils, but eh. I am human, I guess."

"I don't know what those are mama." Error spoke again, stepping back as Asy then carefully opened the drawer again and then carefully stuck his hand in.
The spider then climbing on his hand. "Yep, look, the spider is friendly."
Asy chuckled softly, kneeling down to show the nervous Error, who stared at it.
"Uhm..." Error just squished the goop a bit more, trying to calm himself in front of the eight legged creature.

,,Error, don't worry, the spider won't hurt you. Who knows, maybe the spider wants to be your friend!" Nightmare cooed.
Geno looked curiously at the spider in Asy's hand, but went to his mother, clinging onto her leg. Ahh, Nice, free pats.

'Mhhh....' Error stared at the spider before glancing up at Asy.
"Here, try holding your hand out." Asy said softly and Error stared at the spider again before shakily reaching a hand out.
Flinching a bit when the spider touched him before slowly climbing on his hand.
Error just shutting his eyesockets in fear at that.
"Hey, it's okay, you did well. Look, the spider's in your hand now."
Nightmare cooed praises at Error. ,,Hey, little prince, you did good! Look, the spider is very nice."
CQ went forward to Error and rubbed his skull calmingly.

Error then slowly peeked an eyesocket before blinking at the spider in his hand.
"It... Don't bite...?" Error nervously asked before moving to get a closer look, squeaking when the spider moved and quickly having his hand out and away from him immediately.
"No it doesn't Error, it's okay, you're okay." Asy chuckled softly.
"The spider is a friend, and very nice."
,,I agree to Asy. The spider is a friend, you don't need to be scared. It won't hurt you, in fact, it eats annoying insects, that are bothering others."
CQ agreed to her dad friend, smiling at her son.

"But... But what if I'm one of the annoying insects?" Error asked in fear and Asy blinked.
"Error, you're not even an insect, it's okay. It won't even eat you."
Asy spoke, though he got a bit concerned at the fact that Error even thought of himself as such.
'But someone at school says I'm an annoying insect a lot...'

,,That's a bully. And bullies are mean." Nightmare huffed. ,,They are very wrong and I will fight them to prove it."
CQ sighed slightly. ,,I agree to Asy. It won't eat you, you're not an insect. Or annoying. And even if you were a monster, that would happen to be an insect, which you aren't, you would be way to big for a little spider." She hummed to her son.

"O-Okay..." Error nervously replied, both to his mother and granpa and to Nightmare, watching as the spider just crawled around on his arm for a bit before Error carefully moved a finger and poked the spider.
The spider just crawling away from the prodding finger and then dangling on a web, making Error squeak in surprise. "Wh- What's it doing?!"

CQ rubbed Error's head. ,,Ruru, Ruru, don't worry. That's a web? String? I dunno. Spiders build their home with it or use it to go down or up somewhere. It's not dangerous, just sticky."
She explained to the glitching skeleton calmly.

Error then shakily nodded while Asy then hummed a bit, moving and carefully taking the spider from the web.
"Don't worry Error, spiders are mostly harmless when it comes to skeletons, okay? You have nothing to be afraid off."
Asy said softly while Error clung to CQ, staring at the spider fearfully.
"It's okay, we'll help you get over your fear of spiders."
Asy then moved and carefully pets Error, who then shakily nodded.
Watching as Asy then sets the spider down on the ground and finally relaxing a bit when it's out of sight. 'Scary...'

,,That's alright... But see it this way! They're like me! Very Scary! But did I ever hurt you?"
Nightmare said, while CQ petted her second born.
'But... You're not scary! You don't have big fangs, many eyes and eight limbs! ... You just don't have big fangs. Big fangs are scawy.'
Error replied as he then eventually fully calmed down from the experience.
Asy then moving and carefully picking Geno up.
"Did you kids not find anything else?" Error simply shook his skull.

,,But if I want, I can have big fangs!" Nightmare answered. ,,Don't you think I had big fangs when we met the first time...?"
,,Nope! Only dust! And more dust-" Geno said.
,,Dang, didn't know he had so many alternates..."
Nightmare muttered to himself and chuckled.
'Who?' Error blinked in confusion. 'But no, you didn't have big fangs... Your fangs were inside! Not outside!'
By this logic, it means that Error would be afraid of animals with tusks.

,,Uhhh... Okay then." Nightmare answered slowly. ,,And no one, just an idiot of mine." The guardian hummed.
CQ rocked Error slightly, before saying: ,,So... So I guess that's it? Everything we needed to find?"
'Ah... Okei then.' Error then glanced at CQ a bit and slowly nodded.
"Mhmm..." "Looks like it." Asy spoke, glancing at the others before glancing at Geno.
"You didn't forget anything, little one?" Asy raised a brow.

Geno shook his head. ,,Nope! And even if I did, I don't remember."
He hummed, cuddling onto Asy. "Alright." Asy chuckled softly.
"Well, let's go then shall we? It's already turning noon." Asy glanced at the clock.
"Comyet should be done cooking by the time we get home."

CQ nodded slowly. ,,Yeah... we should go." She answered, before glancing at Asy and turning slowly around.
Asy nodded before he then went ahead to their car.
Error then glanced behind CQ and closed an eyesocket, smiling a bit when he saw Nightmare once more. 'Hehe, I see you!'

Nightmare waved lightly. ,,Heya, Ruru." He hummed.
,,I can see you too!" The guardian chuckled.
The shadow followed CQ and Error, as the woman went behind Asy.
Error then giggled softly, waving a bit at Nightmare's shadow before he then opened his eyesocket again and glanced towards Asy, who had then opened the passenger seat, carefully putting Geno inside.

After Geno was in and Asy away from the door, CQ sat Error in, rubbing his cheek slightly, before suddenly pecking a kiss on the forehead of her children.
She then smiled at them, closing the door, before sitting herself inside the car. She seemed to be thought.

Error blinked and giggled softly at the kissus before he then sat closer to Geno and going back to fiddling with his the goop.
Asy going inside the driver's seat and then sitting down, starting up the car.



I can't fucking stop laughing at my own stupidity of adding this video xD

1338 Words

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