Chp. 20 - Disturbance

667 35 13

Triggerwarning: Bullying. ^_^


Boredly yawning in class as the teacher droned on about history.
Error then blinked when he felt the familiar entry of his Guardian in his mind and Error was confused, usually Nightmare wss busy around this time. 'Nighty? Something wrong?'

,,Oh no, nothings wrong." Nightmare hummed.
,,I just wanted to give you something. But uhhh- Obviously am I at the wrong time here, so uhhh... You can't go... away from all the people, can you?"
'I can!' Error chirped before he then began to write about him needing some alone time for now.
'Gimme a bit though.' Error spoke, passing the written letter to Ink in a very discreet manner before shyly raising his hand.
"Yes Error?" "C... Can I- umm... Go to the- to the bathroom...?" Error shyly spoke.
The teacher sighing softly and nodding their head to the door.
Error then quickly got up and rushed off.

,,Huh... That's cool." Nightmare hummed. ,,...Wait, do you even ever need the bathroom? I mean, I never met a skeleton who did-"
'Sometimes bathrooms are necessary to hide in, our History teacher knows it.' Error spoke as he then spedwalked to the bathrooms.
'Whenever skeletons need to go to the bathroom, it's usually for something urgent, luckily, most teachers in this school is nice and knows that some of us kinda needs breaks every once in a while to breathe from too much knowledge.... At least, that's what an older skeleton student told me!'
Error then closed the bathroom door and went to a stall, locking it. 'One thing I hate about bathrooms is the pungent smell. Ew.'

,,Ahhh, I understand." Nightmare hummed. ,,What is this... bowl, though? Why is it here? Do people need it?" The guardian was confused.
,,Nevermind." The guardian said then.
'I don't know.' Error spoke, closing the toilet bowl.
'Now we're somewhere private... So... What now?' Error curiously asked as he sat on the closed bowl.

,,Oh! Yeah!" Nightmare hummed and suddenly a goopy tentacle came from the shadows - because Nightmare is a drama queen - and handed Error his scarf, in his old splendor but with the smell of KFC on it. Or... Just chicken.

Error blinked in surprise, gasping as he softly and carefully took it.
"Wh-Wha..." Error looked at it before looking at the tentacle in surprise. "N-Nighty you... Huh...?" Error quietly whispered, shooketh.
,,Yeah, Yeah, I gave your scarf back." Nightmare said in an annoyed voice, before saying:
,,...Is it... uhh... okay that way? I can wash it, of you want!"

"No no, it's... It's okay... I can wear it as it is..."
Error sniffled, smiling happily as he quickly wore it around himself before suddenly hugging the tentacle happily. "Thank you..."
,,You're- You're welcome, kid." Nightmare answered the tentacle slightly patting him. ,,It's- not a big deal."

"It- It kinda is..." Error mumbled before blinking when he heard the door open.
'It very much is a big deal.' He quickly switched to his thoughts when he heard the faint chattering.
"I thought you told me that the freak is in the bathrooms?" "Probably not this bathroom then?"
"It's literally the closest you dimwit."
Error's grip subcounsciously tightened on the tentacle at the talking, already knowing exactly who they're talking about.

The tentacle wiggled a bit in discomfort. ,,Uhhh... who are these guys? Are those the meanies you told me off?" Nightmare asked.
'Uhuh...' Error trailed off as he carefully listened.
"Ah don't worry, if he's hiding then he's gonna have to come out eventually, one way or another."
They laughed and began to bang on the stalls.
"OI MISTAKE! COME OUT NOW!" One yelled, Error letting out a quiet squeak and curling up on top of the toilet, hugging the tentacle tighter.
"Nothing here, check the next. OI FREAK!" More banging, sounding closer this time as Error stared at the door in fear.

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