Chp. 32 - Office

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The room wasn't that big, but wasn't that small either.
It looked like a normal sized room, but what makes it special was the amount of stuff that was already all set for CQ if she ever wants to start working.
From a large bulletin board, to a mini fridge, hell even has her own computer desk...
There was also a spare desk where there's spare supplies and such, arting supplies in fact.
There was also some threads here and there too.
The room was pretty and there was a huge window view too, with the curtains opened to show a beautiful garden outside.

"Prebby office!" Error exclaimed excitedly, then again, it was the first time he saw an office, but it was still prettily decorated, as there's also some plants here and there and a saturn carpet on the floor.

CQ blinked. ,,It... it is pretty..." She said, walking slowly through the room.
She the smiled lightly, as she looked around. ,,What's this, though- Oh! And this- and this too."
Ah yes, now she was pointing at various items she never saw before asking what it was.
,,And why is the bulletin board looking so weird? I've never seen one like this!"
Yeah, no, Asy was probably the only one who was getting what exactly CQ was talking about, as he knew her since she was a kid.

Error tilted his skull lightly as his mother kept pointing now while Asy chuckled softly. "Mama not know?"
"Let's just say, she only knows some as her office wasn't this big." "Ohhh!"
Error nodded and Asy then walked over towards CQ.
"That's because that's one of the more better versions of bulletin boards." Asy explained.
"Now, you should calm down so I can actually tell you what the items are."
Asy laughed softly while Error just ran in and then looked out the window. "Gen Gen look! A pool!"

Geno gasped and ran to Error, looking outside with his brother. ,,Ohhh!" He gasped.
CQ just went quiet, blushing lightly. ,,Sorry..." She apologised, seemingly embarrassed.
Asy couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Okay, now, let's start again, yeah?"
Asy smiled at CQ, ruffling her hair once more before fixing it a bit, dang his child needs a bath.

CQ blinked and looked up, nodding a bit. ,,Uhm... What's that?"
She asked then pointing at the computer desk.
She had only seen the old ones at her work and in her old school, so this one was entirely new for her.
"That's a computer desk, CQ." Asy smiled. "And that's your work desk, your job for Comyet really is just helping her with designs and with the outfits."
Asy explained. "Either that or help her with paperwork, as you're her assistant and stuff." Asy added.

CQ blinked confused. ,,Comyet does realise that I have absolutely zero knowledge in anything that has to do with any kind of designs, right?" She said slowly.
"As long as you can draw, you can help." Asy snickered.
"Don't say you can't, I still have your art." Asy gave a cheeky grin to CQ.
"Mama draws?" Error gasped. "Mhmm, and she draws very prettily."
Asy responded and Error then grinned. "I wanna seee!"
CQ began blushing once again. ,,Uhm- I- you do?"
She asked Asy, hiding her face slightly in her pullover.

"I do." Asy chuckled softly. "Actually, some of it is already here."
Asy then went over and pulled the desk on the artist desk, grabbing the papers and showing it to the kids.
Error took it carefully and gasped in awe. "Pretty!"
Geno gasped at the drawings. ,,They're very pretty!" He cheered then too.

CQ was just very embarrassed, like if Asy was showing Baby photos.
She went to hoodie land and decided to never come out again.
"Awh, CQ." Asy chuckled softly and then held CQ close.
"My sweet embarrassed baby girl." He was doing this on purpose, that little shit.

CQ made a grumbling noise and hit Asy softly, not enough to hurt him but enough to show her annoyance.
,,I hate you." She grumbled. This was as lie, and CQ knew this. She could never hate Asy.

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