Chp. 25 - The stairs of doom

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The smoothies were finished. CQ looked at them, before looking at her sons.
Geno was excitedly jumping up and down, looking with big eyes at Asy and CQ.

Fresh was eyeing the smoothies in confusion and curiosity, despite it not being seen because his eyes were covered by his shades.
Error was just looking at it curiously. "Wonder how this tastes like..."
Error mumbled lightly. 'Have you ever had shakes before, Nightymare?'

,,Uhm... Yeah, I lived long enough to eat a Smoothie a few times." Nightmare hummed.
'I see...' Error hummed in thought as Asy then placed the pitchers in the freezer.
"Now, you children should eat first before drinking smoothie, trust me, it'll feel rewarding."
"Okay Mr. Asy." "Okay!" That, Error can do.
,,Okay!" Geno cheered too, while CQ sighed lightly and smiled at her sons.
,,Now, we should bring the dinner to the table... right?"
She asked, looking at Asy. ,,Or do we need to add something?"

"Nah, let's bring it to the table now." Asy hummed, gathering three plates, one being balanced on his skull and he then walked towards the table with ease, if you looked very closely though, you could see the faint outline of blue around the plate.

CQ blinked and looked after Asy. ,,How in the-"
She started, before shacking her head and carefully following Asy with other two plates.
Asy then sets the two plates down, before setting down the one on his skull. "Magic, my dear."
Asy made jazz hands and snickered while Error gasped.
"Wooaaah! You can do magic?!" "Just little tricks honestly." Which was a big fat lie.

,,Uh-hu, suuuure." Nightmare mumbled quietly, definitely not forgetting what he saw last night.
CQ just raised an eyebrow and shook slightly her head, letting her sons believe in magic.
What should be wrong with that? But in her eyes, magic didn't really exist, because, well, why should it?
Geno clapped with his hands. ,,This is so cool! I wanna do magic too!" He cheered and giggled lightly.

"Maybe someday, you will." Asy chuckled. "Really?"
"Mhmm." Asy hummed while Error clapped a bit, looking at his brothers in excitement.
Geno gasped. ,,Yay! This would be soo coool!"
He cheered and jumped excitedly up and down.
,,Then we would do the best magic ever!" The kid huffed then proudly.
"Definitely broski!" Fresh cheered excitedly while Error seems to be bouncing on his seat excitedly.
"Uhuh!" 'Nighty did you heard?! I can prolly do magic!' The kid's happy at least.

,,Uhm.... Yeah! Sure! Maybe." Nightmare hummed.
,,You will probably be a master at magic!"
'Yay!' Error couldn't help but smile excitedly at Nightmare's confirmation, magic!
He will be able to do magic! He then began to excitedly eat. But first, tasting the smoothie!

CQ chuckled slightly at seeing her sons excitedly eating.
A smile was on her face, before she began eating herself.
No, she did not glance to Asy, not at all, why should she do that-
Asy was just eating calmly, just watching the children with a soft smile, ah, he was always proud of his child having children.
They're so cute! And the fact that they're skeletons too!
Makes him wonder who the father was honestly.

,,Uhm... That should be everything." CQ said nervously, looking at the last box.
She was quite nervous about moving in to Comyet and made it definitely noticeable with the stutters and fiddling with things, as well her restlessness.
"Well that's good then." Comyet smiled gently.
"Hey, don't worry. You'll fit right in with us, and our children will have more playmates." Comyet said softly.

CQ nodded and smiled slightly. ,,Yeah... It will be okay. Everything will be fine."
She said, partly to calm herself down.
Comyet then moved and hugged CQ lightly.
"You'll be fine bestie." Comyet hummed softly before pulling away.
"Anyways, I'll go ask the kids." Comyet chuckled and left to the kids' room.

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