Chapter 46

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"What do we have in between us"

I averted my eyes from them as a warm tear trailed down from my left eye. I wiped it from the back of my hand and continued cleaning, not wanting to see the happy couple. Sage, get a hold of yourself. Stop making useless things in your mind. You both have nothing between each other. He went out as soon as he heard her voice. Remember why you are here. My inner voice reminded me of everything in her calm tone as she tried to console me but a big storm had already begun inside me. I wiped my eyes to dry them up as I took deep breaths to even my ranging emotions. I started to wall out of the kitchen being aware that they were still standing there talking about something. I tried to ignore their talk and walk away without trying to disturb them. After all, I was the one who was coming in between them. 

"Sage" I heard Grace calling my name in her little surprised voice as she saw me coming out of the kitchen. I bit my lower lip as I heard her calling me. I took a deep breath before lifting my eyes to look at her. I know she will read my face as she did last time when we meant. At that time I was not sure about my feelings but now I know I have unwanted feelings that started to surf in my heart and I don't want her to notice it. After all, she has always been kind to me. I don't want to be a barrier to her happiness. 

"Hey Grace," I said with a faint smile on my face as my little wet eyes met with her vibrant ones. He was standing close to her. Her warm vibrant eyes moved all over my face as she again started to read my face. I looked away. I felt his eyes on me but I ain't looked in his way. 

"Did I disturb your work with my presence?" she asked in her bothered voice as she moved her eyes from me than to him. Then she looked inside the kitchen to find it empty. 

"No-no my work is finished, you didn't disturb us. I will take my leave now everyone is waiting for me in the canteen" I said in my hurried voice as I flashed her my nervous smile. Saying that I walked away as he nodded her headlight at me. 

"I'm famished too, can I join you guys?" I heard her asking the head chef. I walked away before he could reply. 

"What's for lunch today," I asked as I took my seat beside William as I brought small excitement in my voice. 

"Pasta with meatballs and bread," James said as he looked up from the cell phone on which he was texting his girlfriend. Logan was busy reading his recipe book 

"Sounds delicious," I said with the same fake excitement as I took the water and took gulps of cold contained. William looked at me for a second then looked back on what he was doing whereas chef Oliver was busy talking on his phone. 

"We have ordered for you too," Logan said as he was still trying to act to be distanced as he looked up from his book. 

"Hello, guys, long time no see" I heard Grace's voice from behind making everyone look back at her. Everyone said hello but I didn't turn to look at her. I felt his eyes on my back but I ignored him. Both of them walked near our table and took their seats beside each other. They all knew her of course they will after all she is a grey-eyed monster's fiancee. Soon the food came and I slowly started munching on it. 

"You have come to the restaurant after a long time," chef Oliver asked her as he ate his food. 

"Yeah, work has been keeping me all day and night in the office. I'm trying to wrap it up but it's increasing day by day," she said in her soft, stressed voice. 

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