Chapter 58

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***Sorry for the late update***
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Not again.

Erick didn't let my arm go as the head chef tried to pull me away from him. I looked at Erick with pleading eyes as I didn't want to stay here anymore. Both of them were now doing tug of war and I was the rope. 

"You can discuss that important thing tomorrow after all it's the closing time of the restaurant," Erick said in his firm voice as he pulled me towards him a little. 

"Restaurant is close but we have to do tomorrow's planning and I need him for that," the head chef said, pulling me towards him. My arms are hurting because of all the pulling. Isabel and Grace stood there looking at us in disbelief. 

"Let him go, you're hurting him," Grace said as she saw me biting my lower lip in the strain I felt because of pulling. That's when both of them looked at me. They let go of my hand and I started rubbing it. My burned hand started to sting again. 

"It hurts," I said as the pain was evident on my face. The head chef moved forward to take my hand but Isabel came running to me to examine my bandage. 

"Brother let him go with Erick, his hand needs rest. You can discuss that important thing with him tomorrow" Isabel said as she bandaged my hand again. Grey monster looked at me with a set jaw and clenched teeth as he gave me a curt nod against his will. It was written all over his face that he didn't want me to go with Erick. But why should I care? He doesn't care for me, the only thing he wants is to show his dominance over me and declare me as his when we are alone. Doing that he turned around and walked away with a grim face. I let go of the breath which I have been holding for so long. 

"I will go and get my bag," I said in my small voice as I excused myself. I took my bag and the bag in which Grace had brought me the dress was in. I went home with Erick. He started to question me about everything as soon as we entered the apartment. I explained everything to him and to my surprise, he listened and understood my situation. I thought I had to do lots of begging for him to not tell his cousin about my real identity. 

"If you want I can help you with your debit," Erick said to me as he heard my reasons for working in his cousin's restaurant disguised as a man. 

"Thank you so much for your support, Erick. I feel lucky that you are willing to help me but I want to do it on my own. Only a few months are left to end my internship. I will try my best to manage until then" I said with a soft smile on my face. I have made a decision and I have chosen this path for me so I have to stay up on it until the end. I sighed as he looked at the determination in my eyes. 

"I'm worried for you and trust me I don't get worried for anyone. I'm telling you not because I'm his cousin but as your friend. Xanthus is not an easy person to deal with. He looks calm and composed but he is not good when it comes to lying. I have seen it. I saw how he was looking at you, it won't be pretty in the end" Erick said in his low voice as he squeezed my hand to make me understand the gravity of his words. I know very well what he wants to say. I have come so far on my own now I don't want to give up just because I'm afraid. 

"I know but I don't want to give up now. If I have done something wrong I'm ready to face the consequences. I'm not afraid of that" I said with a small smile on my face trying to encourage myself. I know it won't be pretty. 

"Just don't get caught before your internship is over and promise me you will come to me if you need anything," he said with a small smile on his face as he looked at me. He saw the hesitation in my eyes. 

"Don't hesitate. Don't you think of me as your friend or is it just a namesake?" he asked with furrowed eyes and bringing seriousness in his voice. 

"You are my very first friend in this city. How can it be just in a namesake? You are special to me Erick. I will come to you if I need help and I will try my best to not get exposed before the internship is over" I said with a bright smile on my face. Yes, he is special to me. He was the one who always came to me when I was sad. He was fighting his demon but he still chooses to comfort me and that's what I like most about Erick. He tries to show he doesn't care but he will always stand beside you for you when you need him. 

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