Chapter 35

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***Follow me and Happy Diwali to all of you***

"Just what the hell happened to my house" 

We heard Erick's angry voice making us jolt up into a seating position. Listening to his voice Mint ran to him and started doing his happy dance by wiggling his tail. He was the only one who was happy to see him out of us three. "I'm asking you something, what have you done to my house?" He asked us in his commanding voice. 

"I didn't do anything, officer. It was my twin who did it so go arrest her" we heard Sophia saying in her shocked voice with half-open eyes as if she was caught while stealing, saying that she again slumped back on the floor where she was sleeping. Erick moved his head in disbelief. His piercing blue eyes moved from her dead-ass sleeping figure to me and I gulped hard. I could even do that as my throat was dry as hell. I looked at him with wide surprised eyes. How did he come back so soon? Well, he didn't tell you exactly how many days he was going to be out of town. His angry blue eyes moved all over the mess we have created. All the pizza boxes and beer cans with pillows and tissue were lying all over the place. His questioning eyes moved back to mine, holding gaze. 

"Good morning," I said with a sheepish smile on my face while kicking Sophia to wake up. I knew nothing was going to be good about this morning. 

"Sophia, wake up," I said with clenched teeth still flashing Erick my morning sheepish smile. She was still not waking up, she just moved away from where my leg couldn't reach. Erick kept looking at us with his hands folded at his chest. I stepped down from the couch grabbing her shoulder. I moved her to wake her up. 

"What mess you two have created here," he said while looking at me and sleepy Sophia while taking dancing Mint in his arms. 

"We had a little party last night," I said with a nervous smile on my face as I didn't know what he would do next. Will he kick me out because I broke the no-party rule from his rule book? I don't even have a place to go if he does that. 

"Sophia wakes up," I said in my little frustrated voice this time making her wake up with a groan. She sat up while massaging her template. 

"I just want to sleep, why are you people not letting me sleep," she said in her morning cranky voice. I think she has still not seen Erick. 

"Erick is here now, stop complaining and help me in cleaning," I said in my hushed voice and my words affected her. She opened her eyes wide. 

"Where is he?" she said in her loud alarm voice and I pointed at my back. When her eyes met with him she became a statue for a second but she recovered soon. 

"Oh God we broke his rule number 39," she said with a little panic in her voice. She even remembers what number no partying in house rule is numbered. 

"What are you doing sitting like this? Let's clean the room," she said in the same voice while moving me and picking the scattered things. She started doing things like she was a robot who was coded to do the cleaning stuff. 

"We will clean everything soon," I said while turning my head to look at him with a nervous smile on my face. He moved his head again and walked towards the couch on which I was sleeping a few minutes ago. He sat on it with Mint still in his hands. He was caressing on his head and from Mint's face, I could tell he was loving it. I waited patiently to hear his lecture but he just kept staring at me making me more anxious than I was already. 

"I'm sorry we did party in your absence and made all the mess," I said apologetically in my anxious voice while picking up the tissues which Sophia forgot to pick in hurry. He looked at me with his piercing blue eyes, making me smile at him nervously. I don't know what he will say next. Will he kick me out of the house even after being friends with me? He is first your landlord then your friend. My inner voice said, making me more nervous. His eyes were trained on me while I kept quite anticipating what he would say next. 

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