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As it turns out, Peter 2 and Peter 3 were actually quite good at mending your leg.

The three of you had stumbled into a chemists in Spider-Man suits with you looking completely disheveled and bordering on the brink of insanity.

It was a shock they even served you at all! However, Peter 3 had a way with words and managed to persuade the woman at the counter to supply you with the right stuff.

Well, he said it was because he had a way with words but you just thought the woman fancied him. You weren't going to tell him that though.

As you walked down the busy streets, it was crazy how no one turned an eye towards your suits. It was as if it was normal to them.

The only comment you got was from a teenaged boy who looked as if he'd just got out of school.

"Look at these Avenger wannabes! Pathetic!"

This only confused the other two Peters more since Peter 3 still thought the Avengers were a band and it was far to funny to tell him the truth. You told Peter 2 though.

Peter 2 sort of knew the way back to the park. He was the one leading the way at least. He even decided that you should all jump across the rooftops halfway through the journey because he was sensible enough to realise it'd be good to avoid the public eye.

"So, do you think we're in the past or just in a different universe?" Peter 3 asks as you somersault over the ledges.

"Probably both." You answer, Peter 2 looked as if he agreed with it.

You continued to leap from rooftop to rooftop when you decide to speak again.

"You know, I kind of miss Peter 1, it's sad he's not here with us." You say, running beside Peter 2.

"Me too." Peter 2 admits and then so does Peter 3.

Now there was just three of you it made it a little weirder. It was sort of like the group dynamic was a little more serious, or maybe that was because you were in unknown territory.

"So Y/n," Peter 3 begins, "Do you have any idea how to fix the machine?"

You shrug, feeling a little guilty that you didn't listen to Harry's instructions. It was a little dumb of you.

"We'll figure it out when we get there. We are all Spider-Men and that makes us pretty smart."

Peter 2 tries to reassure the both of you. However, soon after you find your eyes wondering across the sidewalk below you.

At first you thought you saw someone you knew but you didn't know anyone here so it was impossible. You must've seen a lookalike.

But you had to admit that the blue jumper, brown hair, brown eyes and pile of books in their hand really reminded you of someone but you couldn't think who.

But when your spine starts to tingle, you realise it wasn't just a regular person that you knew.


It was a Spider-Man.

A/n: wait guys i'm so sorry for the slow updates. This is completely unrelated to the book but I've kinda got a problem. You see I've got my first ever real date this weekend and I don't want to mess it up I literally have no clue what to do or what to talk about. Plz help lmao.

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