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You race out of the room and towards the party.

Your spider senses had never let you down and there was no reason they were going to today.

Something was up. And you had to help your friends.

You slam the door open, bursting into the party like the police would break into a building.

The door creaked and gradually fell from its hinges but you didn't care.

You were more preoccupied by what was wrong if the party was still thriving as normal.

It was confusing.

Disco lights from the dance floor flickered across your face and the chatting on the sidelines continued as if everything was fine.

And to be honest, it seemed it was.

Your spider senses couldn't be broken. That was impossible. But it only left one option.

Something bad was going to happen any moment. And you had no idea what it was.

"Peter!" You yell amongst the noise, hoping to find either of your friends.

You needed someone to tell about this and you assumed that Peter 2 and Peter 3 would understand best. Maybe they would get that same feeling as you.

You move your eyes around the room, searching for the boys. You keep yelling their name but you still weren't getting an answer.

"You alright Y/l/n?"

You spin around, relived to have finally found someone. One of the downsides of your tingle was that it got on your nerves after a while and really stressed you out.

However, your heart crumpled a little when you found out that it wasn't Peter 2 or Peter 3 but Natasha Romanoff instead.

"Oh." You say, looking to the ground.

"It can't be that bad to see me can it?" Nat says, punching your arm jokingly.

She wore a fancy red dress and a permanent smirk. She was definitely the party type.

"Nat." You start speaking. Even if she wasn't Peter, she still could help. "I don't think I have time to explain this but we need to shut this party down."

"Whaaaat?" Nat jokes... in fact, you couldn't really tell if she was joking or not, "But it's only ten thirty?"

"I don't have time to explain just do it." You say solemnly and Nat backs away, slowly getting your point.

"Oh.." She stumbles. She must've been drunk. "Okay.. I'll sort it.."

She seemed disheartened and it was quite painful to watch but you had to protect these people from the unknown threat no matter what.

You glance at the girl as she walks away to tell her friends about what you just said.

In the corner of your eyes, you noticed a strange object roll across the floor.

It repetitively flashed a green light and made a light beeping noise but it was barely noticeable over the craziness of the party.

And it all happened so soon.

You were thrown backwards just as you realised that the object was a bomb.

Red and orange colours filled your vision, burning your skin for a short sharp second.

Shards of glass and broken panels of wood flew through the air, some only missing you by centimetres, others giving you wounds that ranged from scratches to deep cuts.

You lay flinching on the floor as your ears rang.

You thought you were hallucinating when you heard the words..

"Y/nnn...." The voice cackled. How did it know your name? "I know you're here. And I know you're alive. The real question is... are you really hurting yet?"

And then it hit you.

It couldn't be. But it had to be.

You knew that voice. You knew who it belonged to. And it pained you to know that he threw the bomb.

Harry Osborn.

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