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"I have an announcement." Tony says, greeting his friends.

You could make out some recognisable faces and you smiled at them politely, it was nice to see them again.

Nat gave you a little wave, she was walking around the kitchen with an apple in her hand. Steve was reading the newspapers, he really was stuck in the olden days.

Sam sat sprawled on the sofa flicking on his phone, barely noticing you. But you didn't mind that, you'd rather he didn't in case he knew you were the one who accidentally entered his room the other night.

Wanda sat at the table with a bagel, chatting to a robot. When she noticed you she stopped what she was doing and frowned, probably detecting your conflicted emotions.

"What is it?" Steve asks, lowering his newspaper and taking a sip from his coffee, "What's the announcement."

"If you have met Peter, Peter, Peter and Y/n." Tony begins, "You might be surprised to realise they're super adapted high tech robots."

Peter 3 raises an eyebrow at you and Peter 1 throws his hands up in the air.

It was honestly one of the worst lies you'd ever heard but the Avengers seemed to believe it. Well, everyone except Wanda.

Tony notices Peter 1's dismay and quickly covers up.

"Oh, that one isn't." Tony says, "He's the dude I designed them from."

"Thank you." Peter 1 sighed, relaxing a little.

It made sense that he didn't  want the Avengers from his universe thinking he's a robot. It would really complicate his life being a Spider-Bot.

"Anyway, I created them with their own consciences which I know is risky considering the recent events but I understand now." Tony says, really lengthening the lie, "I built them off Peter here, the most humble guy ever. However, when the robots found out that they were robots, they requested that they get destroyed as soon as possible."

"Yes," You join in, "It's very risky to have this higher level of tech accessible in this reality. Tony has created us a machine to dispose of us safely, but it doesn't mean we aren't going to say goodbye to you all."

"We have human emotions." Peter 3 adds, joining in with the fun, "It's weird, I don't understand it all, I can't even feel my hands, but are they my hands? They could just be figments of my own imagination y-"

He was sort of overdoing it so Peter 2 quickly interrupted.

"You can tell he was the first model."

The avengers chuckled as Peter 3 elbowed his brother, a little offended by it.

"So I've allowed them to have their last moments feeling human or about as human they can get before they die."

Nice. Very nice. Totally believable and extremely practical. Definitely not the dumbest lie ever made.

A/n- Sorry this one's a bit short.

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