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It seemed that the other two Peters had noticed the situation below but neither of you did anything about it.

You just froze, peering over the edge of the roof and watching the stranger walk across the street.

"Do you think it's Peter 1?" Peter 2 asks just as the boy below you bumped into a lamppost.

You chuckled as the lookalike scraped across the floor to pick up all the books he'd dropped, awkwardly apologising to the passers by.

"Almost definitely." You say, remarking on his social skills.

"Well it could be a close version of Peter 1," Peter 3 suggests, "Like one that's like him but in a different universe or something."

He did have a point. Even if you did go down and speak to him there would be no way of telling him apart from Peter 1 because you didn't know which universe you were in and he would probably not know anything either.

You sigh, realising that it probably wasn't him and that it would just hurt you to go down and visit him so you take a few paces towards the edge of the roof, ready to jump.

"Y/n! Wait!" Peter 3 yells and you turn your head around to face the two Peters.

"Aren't we going to talk to him?" Peter 3 suggests, quickly glancing down to the street.

You sigh again, looking down.

You quickly pull your mask on and turn back to the others.

"Why not?" You force a smile and jump off the side of the building.

Peter 2 and Peter 3 followed after you, webbing at the last minute and skidding to a halt in front of the teenager.

You picked up the last of his books and watched as his crouched figure looked up at you.

The boy looked exactly like Peter 1. His features were completely identical. The only difference was he looked as if he'd been through less. The naive lust for adventure lurked behind his eyes as they sparkled with curiosity, making him look almost younger.

"What is going on?" He says, sounding overwhelmed and as if he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing.

"We'll explain it all in a minute.." Peter 3 says, admiring the young man, "Just come with us.."

The boy was completely speechless as you directed him into an alley.

Peter 2 and Peter 3 crowded around the boy, practically pinning him to the graffitied wall.

They looked a lot like your typical movie bullies so you try to intervene in case the new Spider-Man got intimidated or freaked out.

"Peter! Peter! Seriously," You shove them lightly, "You're probably scaring him."

The Peter 1 lookalike backed away from you all whilst you were distracted, his gaze flicking from Spider-Man to Spider-Man as you argued.

Peter 1 mumbled something but ended up being ignored as you began to raise your voices.

"I wasn't scaring him, you're scaring him!" Peter 3 snaps.

Peter 1 spoke again and when was ignored for the second time he started to look agitated.

"Why are we acting like he's a child or something," Peter 2 declares, "Hes literally-"

Peter 2 was interrupted by a sudden outburst from Peter 1.

"Hey! Hey! Guys!" Peter 1 yells, lowering his voice once he'd got everyone's attention, "What's going on? Who are you? And.. well.. you've stolen my idea..but that doesn't make sense.. I haven't.. I haven't even made the.."

He was a little lost for words as he glanced at your Spider-Man suits and sighed, pulling his backpack over his shoulders.

"Don't worry," Peter 2 says, a smile creeping onto his face, "We haven't stolen your idea."

"Then what.." He threw his arms up in the air glancing at each and every one of you, eager to hear an answer.

"Listen kid," Peter 2 says, calming his voice, "We're Spider-Man too."

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