Special Chapter Part 2

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"Now," Seungmin started as they sat side by side on the bed, " tell me what's bothering you, I'll listen," He said softly, reaching for Hyunjin's hand and caressing it.

"You don't have to be troubling yourself with me, you should be enjoying yourself. This is nothing," Hyunjin sniffled, guilt visible on his face as he wipe the dried tears on his cheeks with the back o his hand.

Seungmin quickly shushed him.

"Your feelings are valid, okay?" Seungmin assured, "besides, you won't be that tick off if it was nothing. Heck, even bumping your toes on a corner doesn't make you angry and you even apologize to the corner," He pointed out matter of factly.

"That is too much information, babe," Hyunjin pouted but chuckled lightly after, making Seungmin smile knowing that his husband is no longer crying and is in a much better state than earlier.

"But it's the truth," Seungmin laughed, before frowning and turning serious again, "now, tell me what made you so on edge? was it work? the board? since you've mentioned it earlier," He asked, worry visible in his tone.

Hyunjin was quiet for a moment, contemplating what he's going to say, sighing and looking away before he finally starts talking.

"You probably noticed that I've been busier with work, right?" Hyunjin asked, Seungmin nodded, "It's actually connected to the thing that's been troubling me," Hyunjin continued.

Seungmin's eyes widened in realization. It's been a few months since Hyunjin started being this busy, so it means that he's been holding it in since then? "It's been that long and you didn't open up to me?" He asked Hyunjin in worry as he held his husband's hand tighter, "I'm sorry, I should've known," He apologizes, he felt bad for not noticing until earlier.

Hyunjin quickly shook his head upon hearing Seungmin's apology."No, no. You didn't do anything wrong. It was my fault for keeping it all in and not telling you anything," He told.

Seungmin still felt bad despite Hyunjin's assurance, he sighed and collect himself again, giving Hyunjin a soft smile, "Now tell me what has been troubling you, I'll listen, this is the third time of me saying this," He said the last part with slight frustration that it made Hyunjin chuckle.

"Okay, okay," Hyunjin nodded, taking a deep breath. "I'm just y'know, anxious for the kids, for our family. I've been overthinking about our children's future ever since the twins' birthday," Hyunjin stopped talking for a moment to think about what he'll say next, "I've realized that the kids are growing up really fast, and we're not as young as before too- yeah, yeah, I know we're only 29 but it doesn't change the fact we're not getting any younger," He defended when he saw Seungmin's expression wanting to retaliate about their age.

"Through that realization, I wanted to work extra harder, thus, I became busier in work," Hyunjin continues, "We don't know what the future holds for us, for our children, or for our family. What if I suddenly die, who would take care of you? Who would take care of Jiyoo and Jiwoo? Who would take care of Jino? I don't want to leave you and become a single da-"

Hyunjin got cut off when a soft pair of lips suddenly meet his. He looks at Seungmin in bewilderment once he pulled away, a very serious look on his face as he literally stares in Hyunjin's soul.

"Minnie?" Hyunjin asked in confusion.

"Jinnie, why are you suddenly talking about death? You're not secretly sick and only have a few months to live like those I read from angsty stories, right?" Seungmin questioned.

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