Chapter 3

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He was dressed in a business suit and had probably left his office to get some coffee. Seungmin then noticed a car parked outside, which he assumed was Hyunjin's. Seungmin realised that nothing had changed in the latter's feature. He appears more mature, intimidating, and attractive, but that doesn't change the fact that Seungmin despises him. The fact that Hyunjin appears to be wealthier and more successful in life has only increased Seungmin's hatred for him.

How can Hyunjin appear to be so well-off when he is the one who has to work extra hard to support himself and their child?

"I didn't realize you worked here," Hyunjin said, looking around awkwardly as if calculating everything he'll do or say. Seungmin didn't respond, instead, he looked at him sharply, clearing his throat, and composing himself.

Keep your cool, Kim Seungmin. Pretend you don't know him.

Seungmin can't yell at him, hurt him, punch him, or lash out at him because he's at He's the employee, while Hyunjin is the customer, and Hyunjin has every right to fire him from his current job simply by reporting him for bad customer service or even worse that, which Seungmin can not have right now.

"What is your order, sir?" Seungmin questioned, attempting to calm himself, but his final word came out forced and bitter. He shouldn't be affected by the other's presence.

It should be Hyunjin who suffers because he abandoned me. It's his loss, not mine. Seungmin pondered.

When Hyunjin turned to look Seungmin in the eyes, he appeared stiff, as if he was about to poop his pants. When Hyunjin averted his gaze, Seungmin smirked inwardly.

Hyunjin cleared his throat, slightly loosening his tie as if choking when it wasn't, as he gave his order.

"One Iced Americano, please,"

Hyunjin then handed his card to Seungmin, who accepted it. For a brief moment, their fingers touched, but Seungmin ignored it, while Hyunjin quickly removed his hands as if pricked or burned. Seungmin isn't sure if his presence bothers Hyunjin or if the latter is just mocking him. In any case, he doesn't give a damn.

"That's 2.95$, here's your card," Seungmin said politely as he held back the card, careful not to touch Hyunjin.

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