Chapter 7

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"You haven't talked to him since then?" Jisung exclaimed, coughing as he nearly choked on the juice he was drinking. Seungmin had already told them about his conversation with Hyunjin, and now they're telling him that it's been a week and that he and Hyunjin haven't spoken in a week.

Seungmin frowned at how insane Jisung appears and nodded as if it will help Jisung recover. He turned to face Felix, who was laughing and caressing Jisung's back. Seungmin could only shake his head; when these two get together, it's always chaos.  It's difficult to have friends with a five-year-old mentality. Jisung was so dramatic when Felix was in Australia, and now that he's back, he seems even crazier.

"Yah! It's been a week and you haven't spoken to him?" When Jisung had calmed down, he exclaimed. "That's not how second chances are given; you should do something!" He continued, acting as if he knew everything.

"Oi yah! I was the one who gave him another chance! Why should I be the one who needs to do something?" Seungmin exclaimed, pointing to himself, in disbelief. "Shouldn't he be the one to approach or contact me? It's not me who promised to make it up."

"Well, you've got a point," Felix agreed, sipping his iced coffee. They've arrived at the cafe where Seungmin works, but his shift has ended, so he's there as a customer rather than a worker.

Actually, Seungmin and Jisung wanted to go to another cafe, but Felix doesn't want to miss out on seeing his boyfriend, Changbin. One month in Australia made the Australian miss his boyfriend so much that even though the older is working, he is more than happy to just see him working, and Jisung and Seungmin, being supportive friends, simply agreed to spend time at the cafe where Changbin and Seungmin work.

"It's been a week and he's still not showing up, he knows where I work, you know, he could always come here to show how he'll make it up," Seungmin rolled his eyes, his voice irritated, as he gnawed unconsciously on the straw of his drink.

He'd never seen Hyunjin again after that day when they talked. It's been a week, but he still doesn't know where Hyunjin is. He doesn't even have his phone number, and he doesn't even know where Hyunjin lives, it's not that he'll go there if he knows.

"You can't go to his company?" Jisung suggested, grinning from ear to ear as if he'd made the best suggestion, but pouted when Seungmin glared at him.

"There's no way I'm going there, Han Jisung," hissed Seungmin. "I don't even want to go to that part of town where the company building is; I'll just look like a peasant," he sighed, sarcasm evident in his voice.

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