Chapter 15

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"Look at Kim Seungmin, he's just a regular customer now," Changbin joked as he placed Seungmin's order on the table.

Seungmin shrugged and giggled "I guess I'm just really lucky. There were ups and downs in the past, but now we're...happy, "He muttered as he sipped his coffee.

"Fortunate and in love with a CEO," When Seungmin blushed, Felix, who sat in front of him, chuckled. "Aren't you whipped, man? It seems like only yesterday that you despised Hyunjin from head to toe."

"Says the one who's madly in love with Changbin hyung," Seungmin retorted, pointing to Changbin, who was now at the counter.

It didn't take long for Seungmin and Jino to move into Hyunjin's place. He wasn't even surprised when he saw how large and luxurious Hyunjin's home was, as one would expect from a successful CEO. Jino was just so excited to finally play with Kkami that he didn't care about moving in, and his parents thought it was cute.

Seungmin had also left his job at Wonpil's Cafe, and while the owner was sad to lose such a talented and hardworking employee, he was also delighted to support Seungmin in his life with Hyunjin and Jino. Jino's last name was changed to 'Hwang' not even two weeks later; it wasn't a problem because of Hyunjin's connections, and he's no longer Kim Jino; he's now Hwang Jino. That day, Hyunjin was so excited that they ended up celebrating at a fancy diner.

"Now I'm waiting for Kim Seungmin to become Hwang Seungmin right."

When Seungmin remembered Hyunjin's words, he blushed. At the time, they were returning to Hyunjin's place, which is now their home. Jino was sleeping in the back seat at the time, and Hyunjin was up to his old tricks of making flirtatious comments to Seungmin who was really affected by it even though they don't change surnames in Korea when being married.

What's the deal with your sudden blush?" Felix pointed out, he was looking out for Seungmin who was deep in thought and blushing, that he didn't notice his Australian friend sneaking a spoonful of the strawberry cake he had ordered.

Seungmin snapped out of his reverie, blushing even more in embarrassment, and stuttering out an excuse. "I-uhm...just it's hot...yeah, it's hot"

Felix raised an eyebrow at him before laughing and shaking his head. "Okay, I'll just pretend I believe you even though the cafe's air conditioning is blasting," he said. "Just admit that you're thinking about Hyunjin, and then tell me if you've done it." Felix raises his brows playfully as he gave Seungmin a mischievous grin.

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