Chapter 14

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"I still love you, Seungmin, and I always will"

Those words are ringing in Seungmin's head; he feels like he's malfunctioning right now, and those words are all he knows. He froze in place, and if Hyunjin wasn't hugging him, he'd be on the floor, banging his head or something.

"Just tell me that you feel the same way, and I promise not to fail for the second time," Hyunjin said again, Seungmin closing his eyes tightly as he became more trapped in the situation. He exhaled a sigh.

"You can't possibly tell me you love me just like that," muttered Seungmin. "Who knows if you're lying again, you've already lied to me, the possibility of you lying again is high," he noted, not angry, but tired of overthinking.

"I'm not lying when I say it's still you, Minnie. Despite my parents' attempts to set me up with other girls in the past, I don't care because it will always be you. Please believe me on this," Hyunjin begged, hugging Seungmin even tighter as if he was afraid that he'll go away.

Seungmin's heartbeat quickened, and he felt as if he were losing his breath because of a single person. As all of his frustrations and negative thoughts flooded his mind, he felt his eyes begin to water, and his emotions rumbled as his mind failed to process the situation. Seungmin's only thought was that he was tired of being hurt.

"I don't want to go through that pain and loneliness...again." Seungmin couldn't stop crying, and now he's wetting Hyunjin's suit, which the latter doesn't mind.

"Did you know how much I despised you?" Seungmin screamed. "But...why can't I do it now? Why are you acting like t-this?" He wailed, punching and pushing Hyunjin with both fists, but the latter was just taking it all in stride. Seungmin's smacks and punches weren't particularly painful; he just appears to be flailing his arms around right now.

Why? They've already discussed it, and they're fine now, right? But Seungmin is experiencing these emotions right now. It was the first time he had cried so hard since he reconciled with Hyunjin. All of the frustrations, hatred, sadness and everything else are only now being released. Seungmin believed that giving Hyunjin a second chance would make things better between them, but this was not the case because Seungmin had not truly forgiven Hyunjin. He still hasn't let go, still stuck in the past, oblivious to the fact that he is now in the present and can look forward to the future.

"I'm truly sorry," Hyunjin kept whispering apologies to Seungmin, who was still crying uncontrollably, his body shaking from the exertion.

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