Chapter 8

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"Lee Minho and Hwang Hyunjin! What did you do to my kitchen?! "

Seungmin is enraged by the dirty counter, unwashed plates and utensils piling on the sink, dirty pots and casseroles placed just beside the sink, and the smell of burnt foods. He swears his kitchen is a shambles right now, and it's giving him a headache. Even Jino had never made such a mess in their apartment.

Minho quickly pointed to a frozen Hyunjin in the middle of the kitchen who was holding a mixing bowl and a whisk.

"This was all his fault; he had dragged me to your sacred kitchen to cook when we were both clueless of cooking", Minho said quickly to Seungmin.

Hyunjin's eyes widened and he dashed towards the counter, placing what he was holding on top of it, before turning to face Seungmin and shaking his head, disagreeing with Minho's statement.

"Please let me explain!" Hyunjin exclaimed so loudly that his voice broke.

When Minho and Jisung ended up laughing their asses off because of what had just happened, Hyunjin's face turned red, and it only got worse when he saw Seungmin snort but was quick to turn serious again.

"Be quiet, you two," Seungmin demanded, and Jisung and Minho quickly complied. When Seungmin is angry, he's so frightening that even Minho, who is older, can't bring himself to laugh.

Seungmin turned to Hyunjin, not noticing Minho who slowly walked out of the kitchen to his boyfriend's side, Jisung quickly flicking his head because he'd let himself be dragged at something that would make the demons out of Seungmin. As they both watched the scene between Hyunjin and Seungmin, Minho just gave his boyfriend a sly smile.

"What is your explanation? Make sure that whatever it is is acceptable "Seungmin yelled. "Aish! It's been a week, and you're showing up like this? In my kitchen looking like this? " He added, his annoyance visible in his voice. "I was just trying to make a decent dinner for all of us," Hyunjin mumbled, bowing his head low so as not to aggravate Seungmin.

"You can't cook, Hyunjin!" Seungmin was fuming. Seungmin was well aware that the older couldn't cook, because he swears that when they were still together, Hyunjin almost set fire to his own unit, and it was only a sunny side up that he was attempting to cook for them!

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