chapter 19

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it was sunday and seungmin's currently making foods for two families. jisung had called last night and asked if they could spend the sunday afternoon at their house and seungmin happily said yes because it's been a while since they've spent some time with each other. jino was so excited to meet and play with jisung and minho's son.

"baby, are you sure you're feeling well? we could just get food delivery"

seungmin rolled his eyes at hyunjin's question. the latter had been asking that repeatedly ever since seungmin started working with foods.

"jinnie, i'm totally fine. so if you mind? can't you just stay with jino at the living room?" seungmin answered softly, continuing on mixing something on a bowl.

hyunjin pouted, he went behind the younger and hugged him from the back as he rubs circles on seungmin's now bloated tummy. seungmin didn't even flinch and just go on with what he was doing, not minding hyunjin and his grumbles.

"baby, you know you're now in your third trimester and it will be your due date soon. i just want you to rest, later at night you'll surely complain again about your back pains and muscle aches"

seungmin is now on his seventh month of pregnancy and his tummy is much bloated now, even heavier that he needs to support his back with his hands at some times when it's getting harder to stand or walk. his morning sickness, cravings and mood swings aren't constant now too, it's the muscle aches and back pains that he's mostly enduring in his third trimester of pregnancy.

just like now, hyunjin has always been there taking care of him. during weekdays, hyunjin would be home extra early and even at some days he won't go to work if he knew that seungmin would need him. when seungmin entered his third semester, hyunjin has been the one to pick up jino from his school. fortunately, jino's dismissal is right hyunjin's lunch break, so at those points, he'll pick jino from school, have lunch at home before going back to the company.

yep, it's kinda tiring— well really tiring for hyunjin, taking care of his child and pregnant husband while also doing his job at the company, but seeing and knowing that seungmin and jino are fine and safe, every tiredness are worth it, especially now that they'll have another member in the family.

"jinnie, don't worry. i'm telling you immediately if i'm not feeling well or anything. go look after jino, he's quiet, i'm sure he's up to something mischievous again" seungmin assured him, laughing afterwards as he remembered their child who's at the living room.

if jino's quiet, it only means that he's up to something no good. hyunjin sighed and kissed seungmin's cheeks while still rubbing the latter's tummy bump.

"okay, i love you— oh my god, the baby kicked!"

hyunjin squealed as seungmin giggled. this is not the first time that the baby in seungmin's tummy kicked, but hyunjin still give the same reaction, giddy and excited. when both of hyunjin and jino are touching and rubbing seungmin's tummy and felt the baby inside kicked, they both act like the baby's already born on how happy and excited they are, even doing some celebratory dance that would make seungmin laugh and shake his head.

"yeah, yeah, now go to jino. minho hyung and jisung will be here soon. i'm almost finish here"

seungmin shooed a pouting hyunjin who obeyed him nonetheless, smiling fondly as he went back to finishing that snack that he was preparing.

hyunjin went to the living room and check on him, eyes widening when he saw what his son was up too.

"baby, oh my what are you doing to kkami" hyunjin laughed when kkami turned to him and barked, letting crying noises afterward.

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