Chapter 16

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"Kkami, no," Jino laughed, raising his strawberry bowl. Poor baby was peacefully eating his fruits while watching his favorite cartoon on television when Kkami suddenly dashed over to him to get more strawberries because he had already consumed his.

"This is baby Jino's," Jino scolded playfully, raising a pointed finger at Kkami to show he's angry despite the fact that he literally looks like a dumpling, cheeks chubby and naturally red.

"Aigoo," the baby sighed when Kkami insisted on getting strawberries. Jino jumped up from the couch, holding the bowl in both hands, and dashed off towards the kitchen, Kkami trailing behind him, tails wagging side to side, thinking the baby was playing with him.

"Oof—" Jino exclaimed as he nearly tripped as he approached the kitchen; luckily, Hyunjin, who was about to exit the kitchen, caught him and made him stand properly, giggling.

"No, that's baby Jino's strawberry!" Jino began whining and pointing to the strawberry pieces that were now scattered on the white kitchen floor; unfortunately, some of the strawberries fell out of Jino's bowl as he was about to trip. Kkami is currently eating his previous strawberries that were now on the floor.

"Kkami, those are dirty, aish," When Hyunjin realized what Kkami had just done, he dashed off and carried Kkami away from the strewn strawberries on the floor. "Bad boy," he scolded, sighed, as Kkami just stared at him as if he hadn't done anything wrong.

Seungmin, who was washing the dishes at the time, heard the commotion and turned around to see Jino with a pout, staring at the now-dirty scattered strawberries on the floor, and Hyunjin scolding Kkami. He shook his head; this is a common sight at their house on Sunday mornings. Seungmin quickly finished washing the dishes, wiped his hands dry on a clean towel, and went to Jino, who turned to him with a pout, causing him to pout as well.

"Aww, why is my baby sad?" Seungmin softly asked even though the answer is already so obvious.

"Papa, baby Jino's strawberries fell and Kkami ate them," Jino said to his papa as if telling of his siblings. "Now, baby Jino only has two strawberries left," he added, looking down at his bowl.

Before ruffling his child's hair, Seungmin could only coo at his child's cuteness "Baby, don't be sad. Papa will give you three strawberries, so your strawberries will total five, okay?" He reassured Jino, who instantly smiled. Seungmin was silently cursing Hyunjin because he knew he had given Jino more than 5 strawberries, and if they hadn't even fallen off, Jino would have had too many.

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