Chapter 12

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From Hyunjin:
Are you available after your shift? I'll leave early so I can hang out with you and Jino.

Seungmin read the message from Hyunjin. He had just finished packing his belongings for work when he received the message from the latter. It's a good thing he's on the morning shift and will be out by three o'clock in the afternoon. He quickly responded with a tap on his phone.

To Hyunjin:
To Hyunjin:  pick us up at 4:30 p.m. at my apartment.

Slipping his phone into his pocket, Seungmin exited the bedroom and went straight to the small living room where Jino was already awake and is now playing with Jisung, who volunteered to take care of Jino. When he saw his papa, the baby ran up to him and hugged his legs. Seungmin laughed and knelt to Jino's level before kissing the baby's cheeks.

"Be a good boy with your uncle Jiji while papa is at work." Seungmin gently reminded Jino, who quickly nodded his head, prompting Seungmin to smile and ruffle the baby's hair.

"We'll go out with your daddy later," he said, eliciting a loud cheer from Jino. He appears to be ecstatic. Hyunjin had become overworked in his company and had lost a lot of time with Jino.

"Yay! Baby Jino is excited!" Before kissing Seungmin's cheeks, the baby cheered. "See you later, papa," Jino said as he ran back to the center of the living room, where he was playing with toy cars with Jisung.

Jisung stood up, leaving Jino to play alone for a while before walking Seungmin to the apartment door.

"I hope you found a solution to what I told you last night, I'm sorry it was so sudden," Jisung said softly with an awkward smile.

Seungmin quickly shook his head and smiled at his friend. "No, it's perfectly fine. I suppose I'll discuss it with Hyunjin," He shrugged.

"You should absolutely do so, Min. Hyunjin is extremely wealthy; he could meet all of Jino's and even your needs. You should really quit your job and take care of Jino while Hyunjin does the rest of the work," Jisung laughed. Seungmin exhaled a sigh.

"You know we're not together," he gently reminded. "Sure, he can meet Jino's needs, but not mine; it's only Jino who has kept us together, at the very least."

Jisung tsked, "Okay whatever. I'm confident that everything will fall into place soon. Who knows if you two will ever get back together?"He raised his brows amusingly.

"Whatever. I'll leave right now. Jino and I are going out with Hyunjin later, so could you dress Jino up before I arrive? It will cut down on the amount of time spent."

"Okay, be careful on your way to work."

Seungmin was thinking about what Jisung had told him earlier on his way to work. Jisung explained that he and Minho will be unable to care for Jino for the time being because they will be arranging their marriage. Yes, their marriage; the reason they traveled to Minho's province was to discuss it with Minho's parents. They'll be flying to Malaysia this week to visit Jisung's family and take a short vacation there. The wedding date has not yet been set, but preparations are underway.

Seungmin understands, and who is he to complain? Minho and Jisung had always been there for him and Jino, caring for the baby without expecting anything in return. So it's understandable that now that they're getting married and will soon have a more personal life, they'll prioritize their personal life. Seungmin assumed that if Jino was at work, Felix and Chan would look after him, but those two aren't always available, unlike Minho or Jisung. So Seungmin has no choice but to discuss this with Hyunjin. Because they'll be going out later, they'll be able to discuss this matter sooner.

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