Chapter 18

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"Bye bye, Daddy!"

Hyunjin grinned, waving at Jino, who gladly waved back, and was brought by his nursery teacher inside the classroom where the other kids were. Hyunjin went back, sighing contentedly when he noticed that Jino was already speaking with his classmate. He turned around and returned to his car, on his way to work.

Jino is now three years old, about to turn four, and is receiving his education at a nursery not far from where they live.

It became a routine for Hyunjin to drive Jino to the nursery and then to the company after ensuring that Jino was secure in the classroom and with his nursery teacher, who was a close friend of Hyunjin's.

Seungmin will occasionally accompany Jino to school and lounge at Hyunjin's office after when he has nothing to do at home, but on a daily basis, he stays at home most of the time, waking up in the morning to prepare their breakfast, Hyunjin's pack lunch (Hyunjin prefers Seungmin's homemade foods over going outside the company to have his lunch), and get Jino ready for school and, of course, Hyunjin ready for work.

Seungmin prepares lunch for him and Jino for half of the day, after which he will pick the baby from school, assist him in changing into comfortable clothing once home, and they will have their lunch. Of course, Seungmin takes care of Kkami as well; the puppy is essentially the only one with Seungmin for the entire half-day without Jino or Hyunjin. The afternoon will continue with Jino either napping or playing with Kkami in his room or living room, while Seungmin does housework or plays with the baby. During the night, Seungmin would prepare their meal, and Hyunjin would always arrive on time, not wanting to miss out on a full family dinner by working overtime at the company.

On weekends, which are Hyunjin's days off from work, they either stay at home, being comfy and enjoying some family time, or they go out to the park or anywhere else where they can spend the day altogether, and sometimes they even hang out with their friends.

And, of course, every day would finish with Jino kissing his parents' cheeks and saying "I love you" to them before going to bed. After ensuring that Jino was sleeping, Seungmin and Hyunjin would return to their room and fall asleep, curled up, with a kiss on the lips, and mumbled I love you's.

Everything was almost perfect, well, it is great, but we all know that small misunderstandings and fights are normal in any couple's relationship, and this also applies to Hyunjin and Seungmin's. They have had numerous disputes and misunderstandings over the last two years, but they have one thing in common: communication.

They married just a few months after Minho and Jisung. Hyunjin enlisted the help of their friends for his marriage proposal to Seungmin, and no one expected it to be a success—well, yeah, it was a successful proposal, but with Jisung and Felix around? It was a mess.

Daddy Hyunjin | Seungjin [Under Revision]Where stories live. Discover now