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"jino oppa! play with jiyoo and jiwoo!"

seungmin and hyunjin sat with each other on the couch, the older's arms was around seungmin's waist, hugging him close and being his usual clingy self as they watch their two year old twins annoy their now six year old brother, jino who was sat on the floor and peacefully solving a puzzle placed on the coffee table. jiyoo and jiwoo stood like sims beside each other in front of jino as they wait for their brother to pay attention to the both of them.

the twins were playing with kkami earlier while jino was alone on his puzzle, but jiwoo, being fond of their older brother, told jiyoo that they should play with jino and jiyoo having a personality like his uncle jisung, agreed and is now the one who's pestering or more like persuading jino to play with them.

fortunately, the oldest of the three got a patience as long as seungmin's patience, he could literally cope up with how loud and chaotic his twin siblings are, or maybe he's already used to minjae who has a personality closed to the twins.

jino looked up at the twins and gave them a soft smile, which earned excited giggles and beams from the twins, knowing that jino will play with them.

"wanna play hide and seek?" jino asked them, standing up and straightening his shirt. the twins looked at each other, smiling before looking back at jino and nodding enthusiastically. jino ruffled both their hairs.

"go hide, i'll count from one to ten" jino told the twins, turning around and closing his eyes as he started counting.

seungmin giggled as he watched jiyoo whispering to jiwoo, probably whispering where they should hide, the younger of the twins nodded, giggling as both of them ran upstairs, kkami running after them, fortunately not barking. seungmin already knew that they'll hide at his and hyunjin's room, that's probably their favorite hiding spot whenever they're playing hide and seek.

jino finished counting, looking around but then he giggled and looked upstairs, even him knew that the twins would probably hide there, that's why he proceeded upstairs. hyunjin and seungmin both laughing when they heard jiyoo and jiwoo squealing, probably because their brother had found them. seungmin shook his head as they heard their children's loud giggles and even some bantering at their room, the three children would probably stay at the room and play there, they have their playroom but they somehow always play at their parents' room.

"i just hope that the twins won't make a mess in our room" seungmin sighed, but there's a fond smile plastered on his lips.

"they'll probably just gonna play with your plushies, babe. i don't even know why you still have so many of those" hyunjin chuckled, nuzzling on seungmin's shoulder.

"they're cute, okay? who says that old people can't collect plushies?" seungmin countered, slapping hyunjin's arms when he laughed at him.

"i literally said nothing and besides we're not that old" hyunjin whispered. "jino's with the twin, he won't let anything bad happen to them you know" he added, hugging seungmin tighter.

the younger of the two hummed. "right, but we both know jino's still a kid, he may be older and more mature than the twins but you know he's still a kid who'd want to play and have fun" seungmin pointed out, hyunjin humming in acknowledgement.

"except that jino's a kid who's having fun while being mature at the same time. come on, i wasn't even that mature at that age" hyunjin told softly.


jino, for a six year old child is very mature and has a wide perspective in things. the kid literally knows how to analyze things and know any consequences that might happen in everything he'll do, even seungmin can't help but still be amaze everytime jino will show how matured he is over other kids his age. jino's already in first grade and he's top of the class as what his teacher had reported to seungmin and hyunjin. jino's really smart for his age, he has an intellect closed to kids in third grade.

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