Chapter 2

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Seungmin was awakened by the sound of his alarm clock. He quickly turned it off so as not to wake Jino, who was still soundly sleeping beside him. He yawned and stretched as he leaned down to kiss the baby on the forehead, his first morning routine.

It's six o'clock in the morning, and his shift starts at nine o'clock. He sat on the bed, watching Jino sleep peacefully, a sad smile on his face as he suddenly felt bad for his child. As he thought of things, he reached extend his right hand and played with his child's soft lacks.

It's been almost three years since Hwang Hyunjin broke up with him and discovered he was pregnant with their child. The idea of telling the latter about the child never occurred to Seungmin because he despises him so much. Hyunjin should not know anything about Jino, according to him. Seungmin is terrified of Hyunjin denying the child; that would be the worst-case scenario. So, even though he needed to look after Jino and work for him on his own, he doesn't care. His son provides him with more than enough strength to keep going in this harsh world.

After all, his child is the best thing that has ever happened to him.

"I'm sorry you'll grow up without a daddy, Jino Kim," Seungmin muttered as he kissed Jino's forehead as he wiped a single tear that rolled off his cheeks.

Jino Kim.  Yes, even though Hwang is supposed to be the child's surname, Seungmin named him after his surname, Kim. He has no reason to name his son Hwang because they're over, and Hyunjin has nothing to do with them anymore. Seungmin is well aware that there will come a time when Jino will question why Seungmin is the only one caring for him and why he does not have a father figure. That is one of those moments when Seungmin is terrified, because what would he tell his child?

Would he tell him the truth, such as "your daddy left me, left us," and "he doesn't love us," or would he lie and say, "he's just far away" and "he'll come soon"?

Seungmin is clueless, so he does everything he can to protect his son from harm. He wants the child to be safe from any harm that Hyunjin may cause.

Right now, his work at the coffee shop, combined with the assistance of Jisung and his other close friends, is enough to keep them afloat. They're so sweet and caring, and they adore Jino as if he were their own child. It's fine for Seungmin as long as they have a place to stay and food to eat, and of course, as long as Jino is with him, he'll keep fighting in this cruel life.

He doesn't have parents; they've been gone for a long time, ever since Seungmin came out to them as gay. No, he's perfectly fine with it. He's moved on from it a long time ago.

"Good morning, Papa," Jino said groggily, rolling over to bury his face between his Papa's chin and shoulder.

Seungmin smiled, this is one of those moments he cherih in life. Every cute, simple moment with his son is special because he is so precious.

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