Chapter 9

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It was quiet, and both Hyunjin and Seungmin's hearts were racing. It was as if time had stopped as they waited for Jino's response, who was still looking at Hyunjin and seemed unconcerned about the situation. Hyunjin has no idea what the child is thinking at that moment.

"Daddy?" Jino asked, tilting his head to the other side, still looking at Hyunjin.

The oldest swears that if this weren't such a serious situation, he'd be running to Jino and cooing at how adorable he is right now.

"Yes, baby.  He's your Daddy," Seungmin responded softly, nodding and casting a brief glance at Hyunjin.

Jino turned his head to Sungmin with wide eyes, Seungmin was relieved to see nothing but innocent happiness and fondness in his child's eyes.

"Papa! Does this mean that Kkami is Jino's sibling?" Jino asked innocently, but there was a tinge of excitement in his voice.

After a brief moment of confusion, Seungmin chuckled when he realized what Jino had said. The baby believes Kkami is Hyunjin's child, most likely because that is what he first thought when he saw the dog.

"Why don't you ask your daddy who Kkami is?" Seungmin suggested cheerfully, he noticed how Hyunjin tensed when he put Jino down, which made him chuckle inwardly when Hyunjin looks really nervous.

Seungmin knelt down to Jino's level when he noticed he wasn't moving from his position. He made the child face him and asked what was wrong. The baby pouted.

"Baby Jino is shy, Papa," Jino whispered to Seungmin and hugged him. Seungmin chuckled and carried Jino who hid his face on his Papa's neck.

"I'll bring you to him; don't be shy, baby," Seungmin gently encouraged.

Seungmin may appear calm as he assesses and observes the situation, but he's worried on the inside and just wants to make sure that the situation isn't too much for Jino. He's still a child, he doesn't understand what's going on, and he may be confused, and Seungmin will do everything he can to make Jino happy.

He cast a glance at Hyunjin, who was still frozen in place; it appeared that his feet had become superglued to the floor. Seungmin would chuckle if it weren't for Hyunjin's genuine nervousness at the moment, and honestly, Seungmin was really nervous when he first met and held Jino, maybe Hyunjin is feeling the same now (though Jino isn't as small as before now because he's already two), Seungmin wonders if that would be Hyunjin's expression if he was there when Jino first came to the world.

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