Chapter 5

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"When will baby Jino get his Daddy?"

"You'll meet your daddy soon, baby," were the only words that Seungmin could say.

Seungmin sighed as he recalled Jino's words. It had been a week since the baby had asked that question, and Seungmin felt terrible for deceiving his child. He doesn't want to lie to the baby, but he also doesn't want Jino to be sad by telling him that Hyunjin doesn't even know he exists. Like, how would Jino and Hyunjin meet? He can't just walk up to Hyunjin and tell him that they have a now 2 years old child.

"Hey, Hyunjin, you kinda came inside me, and now our child is 2 years old, I already told you about our son before but your jerk ass broke up with me and left me without believing me." Yeah, no way. Seungmin was at a loss for what to do. He's completely in the dark. It's been a week and Hyunjin hasn't been to the cafe since Seungmin told him he didn't want to see him.

Seungmin exhaled a sigh. I pushed him away because I despise him, but why am I regretting it now? He pondered.

"Papa, look!"

When Jino yelled and ran towards Seungmin, he snapped out of his trance. He was holding what appeared to be a flower. They're currently at the park in the afternoon; it's Seungmin's day off, so he took advantage of the opportunity to spend time with Jino.

"Baby Jino got papa a flower," Jino said proudly as he handed it to Seungmin, who smiled as he held it. He leaned down to kiss Jino on the cheek.

"Thank you very much, baby. This is adorable."

Jino smiled and leaned in to kiss Seungmin on the cheek before sprinting back to the playground where the other kids were playing. Seungmin smiled as he sat back on the bench, softly gazing at the flower. He let out a soft chuckle when he noticed that the flower was hastily pulled, with one petal missing, but Seungmin can't help but find it cute because everything Jino does is cute.

Seungmin held the flower in his left hand and took his ringing phone from his jean pocket right after looking for Jino, who he'd seen playing with another kid near the slides, he looked at the caller and answered when he realized it was Chan, his friend who was currently in Australia, who was calling. Seungmin responded to the call with a smile, looking at the flower and playing with it.

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