Chapter 10

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Before taking the customer's order, Seungmin looked at Jino and gave him a quick smile. He was serving customers' orders at the counter while Jino sat at the nearest table with Felix.

Minho and Jisung weren't available to care for Jino right now because they were out of town visiting Minho's family, Minho's constantly mentioned how much he misses his three cats. So Felix volunteered to look after Jino while Seungmin brought the baby to work. Will it be ridiculous if Seungmin does not want Jino to be alone in his apartment with Felix? Felix can be strange at times, so Seungmin is taking extra precautions.

His shift today would be from 1:00 to 3:00 because the cafe opened late and will close early due to their manager having to leave early for a family dinner.

Speaking of family, It's been days since Jino discovered that Hyunjin is his father. The older had been returning in fourth from work to Seungmin's apartment to visit him and Jino, even bringing toys for the baby and apartment supplies. Seungmin was always hesitant to accept what Hyunjin bought for them, but in the end, he just surrendered when Hyunjin said, "I'm responsible to you and Jino, so please just let me do this."

And if you're wondering why Hyunjin still needs to go to Seungmin's apartment instead of just living in the same house, it's because Seungmin declined the offer when Hyunjin suggested it because he thinks it would be too fast, not for Jino, but for him, he wasn't ready to be under the same roof as Hyunjin, and the latter respects whatever Seungmin's decision is. As a result, Hyunjin always makes a point of visiting Seungmin's apartment and purchasing anything he believes they needed.

Seungmin once got upset with him because he bought things that weren't needed in the apartment, claiming that buying things you don't need is a waste of money. So Hyunjin always makes sure to ask Seungmin before purchasing anything for Jino or the house. Seungmin had provided Hyunjin with his phone number so that they could communicate.

Jino was perplexed as to why his daddy was not living with him and his Papa. Hyunjin only goes to the apartment after work, which is probably around four or five o'clock in the afternoon, stays for dinner, and waits until Jino falls asleep before leaving. Jino would always ask Seungmin about Hyunjin's whereabouts whenever he awoke in the morning and did not see Hyunjin. Seungmin could only tell the baby that Hyunjin had gone to work, Jino believing it because Hyunjin is consistent in going to the apartment, Jino believing that he is working. Fortunately, the child isn't asking as to why Hyunjin doesn't have his belongings in the apartment; Seungmin is relieved that Jino isn't old enough to do so.

"Thank you for coming," Seungmin said politely as he gives the customer's order. He looked around for Jino and Felix and smiled softly when he saw his child giggling while taking pictures with Felix's phone.

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