Chapter 6

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Seungmin took off his apron before changing into his white tee and jeans. Renjun entered the employees' room as he finished changing; it was also the end of his shift.

"The workers for the next shift haven't arrived yet, so Changbin hyung and Wooyoung hyung have been told by our manager to stay longer until they arrive," Renjun reported, rummaging through his backpack for a clean t-shirt. Seungmin shifted his gaze to him.

"But are they okay with it? Changbin hyung has a tendency to be grumpy at times," Seungmin responded as Renjun nodded.

"Yeah, Changbin hyung needs extra cash, so having a pay for the overtime got him to not argue, while Wooyoung hyung's completely fine with it, "Renjun replied, smiling meaningfully. He snickered, "Hey, you going now?"

Seungmin raised his brows in response to the latter. "Yeah? I'm meeting with someone,"  He replied, more inquisitively.

"Someone? Is it possible that the customer outside is the one meeting with?  He  you asked for you earlier," Rejun teased as Seungmin's eyes widened.

"Is he here?" He questioned and turned to peek through the door, and Renjun was correct: Hyunjin was sitting in one of the chairs inside the shop, looking at his cellphone.

"His face look familiar. Have I seen him before?" Renjun spoke up, looking as if he was recalling where he'd seen Hyunjin, but his expression brightens as he looks at Seungmin with wide eyes.

Seungmin's brow furrowed as he muttered to Renjun, "what?"

"Oh my gosh, that guy looks exactly like Jino!" Renjun jabbered as he approached Seungmin to shake his shoulder. "That's why he looks familiar, he literally looks like Jino, like a Minnie version," he added, his voice amused.

Seungmin scoffed and gently pushed Renjun's hands away from his shoulder. "Renjun, aish. I need to go now," He remarked.

"Wait! Why does that guy resemble Jino?" Renjun questioned, his voice confused at first, but his expression changed as he blinks twice, gasping as he covered his mouth and looked at Seungmin. "Come to think of it, you never mentioned anything about Jino's other't tell me..." he mumbled.

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