Chapter 1

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"Thank you for coming, here's your order," As he handed the order to the customer in front of him, Seungmin smiled warmly.

"Have a nice day," he added as the customer returned his smile before turning back and leaving the shop.

Seungmin's smile faded as he sighed and turned around to walk into the employee's room to change from his work clothes into his fresh casual clothes after the last customer of the afternoon had left. The next worker entered the room after he finished changing and arranging his belongings.

"Hello, Seungmin!" says Renjun. Seungmin hummed and muttered a soft "Hi, Renjun," as Renjun walked into his locker to put his belongings inside.

"Are you going home?" Renjun asked before closing his locker door, holding out a paper bag to Seungmin. "Jeno told me to bring you some cookies that Jaemin had baked. I'm confident he'll enjoy it."

Seungmin smiled as he took the paper bag from the latter, wearing his backpack. "Thank you; I was planning on getting him something to eat, but I guess I'll just give him this. Less money spent, " He giggled as he gripped the paper bag's handle.

"Tell that cute little one hello from uncle Renjun," Renjun laughed and waved his hands at Seungmin, who did the same, before saying a soft "I will," and exiting the employee's room and out of the shop.

Seungmin walked to the bus stop, relieved that he would be able to board the bus that was almost leaving. He sat on the window seat, watching the bustling street outside. He arrived at his destination in seven minutes and tapped his card as he exited the bus. He'll have to walk for another five minutes to get to his place.

"Good afternoon, ahjussi," Seungmin greeted the guard of his old apartment building, bowing slightly.

"Good afternoon, Seungmin. How are you doing today?" The guard returned the greeting cheerfully. As he approached the gate, Seungmin let out a small chuckle.

"Still the same hectic day at the coffee shop, ahjussi," he replied as he waved goodbye to the guard and walked to the stairwell, he got his door key from his jean pocket and climbed up to the second floor.

He inserted the key and turned it, hearing the clicking sound before pushing the door open; silence greeted him as he removed his shoes and placed them neatly to the side of the entrance.

"I'm home," he announced as he entered the small living room and sat down on the sofa with his backpack and paper bag. As he looked around, his brow furrowed in confusion; no one was responding to him, which was unusual. When he returned home, his apartment was always noisy.

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