Chapter 13

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It was eight a.m. on Monday, and Seungmin and Jino were walking hand in hand to Seungmin's workplace. No, it's a Monday, but Seungmin had requested a leave of absence today, and Wonpil, the owner of the cafe where he works, was generous enough to allow him to do so without question.

Seungmin's reason was that he needed to speak with Hyunjin. He hasn't had a proper conversation with Hyunjin since the day the three of them went to Han River. Minho and Jisung had already left Seoul and were now in Malaysia, so Seungmin needed to speak with Hyunjin right away or else no one would look after Jino, and Seungmin does not want to quit his job. As a result, Seungmin decided to take a leave of absence from work and meet with Hyunjin in person. He'll leave Jino in the care of Chan and Felix for the day.

"Papa, are you going to see Daddy?" Jino inquired, hopping away from a puddle of water caused by the light rain the night before.

In response, Seungmin hummed. "Yes, baby. So, while I'm with your daddy, stay with you uncle Chan and uncle Boki " He said this, which elicited an excited squeal from the baby.

"Yippie! Amusement  a theme park! "Jino laughed.

Soon after they arrived at the cafe, Seungmin smiled. They both entered and noticed that Chan and Felix were already there, drinking their coffee. Changbin was also seated next to Felix.

"Good morning, baby Jino," Chan cooed as the baby ran to him and sat comfortably on his lap. Seungmin smiled; Chan had always been close to Jino because he's great with kids, following Minho and Jisung. He can't wait for those two to have their own child.

"Hey, I heard you're on a leave today?" Changbin  told Seungmin. Seungmin laughed and nodded.

"Yes, I need to speak with Jino's dad. So, how about you? Changbin hyung, as far as I know, you have your shift today," He pointed out, squinting his eyes at the older man and at Felix.

Changbin stood up and chuckled nervously. "Oh right," he said as he leaned down to kiss Felix on the cheeks. "We'll talk later, babe. I'll meet you at the amusement park after my shift."

Seungmin and Felix simply exchanged glances and laughed at a flastered Changbin. They're whipped for each other, all Seungmin could do was shake his head.

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