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I was forcing my eyelids open as I stared at the blank page of an empty word-document on my computer screen.

I let out a soft sigh as I leaned my elbows on the old wooden desk and held my own head, "Okay... three, two, one..." I licked my lips as I desperately tried to think of a word, any word, any subject.

"Fucking hell." I muttered, leaning back in the chair as I searched my brain high and low for inspiration. Apparently today there wasn't any. And there hadn't been any in the past three days. I stared at my black notebook, scribbled with random thoughts and words that didn't make any sense. The last thing I wrote was 'I CAN'T THINK OF ANY FUCKING WORD'.

Seems about right.

The ringtone of my phone snapped me out of my thoughts and I let out another breath when I saw Erin's name on my screen. I knew what she was calling for and I was already mentally preparing myself to decline whatever offer she came up with.

"Hi, Erin." I mumbled into the phone. I immediately moved it back from my ear when I heard the noise on the other end of the line, deafening me immediately. I frowned at the loud volume and cleared my throat, "Where are you?"

"Stell, you have to come!!" She shouted excitedly and I rubbed my forehead, "Not tonight, sorry. Apparently I'm a shit writer because I can't come up with anything."

I heard her groaning, "Come onnn, it's Friday!"

"That's your excuse every day of the week." I deadpanned and I heard Erin shuffling around until she was in a more quiet area and I could hear her a little better, "Can't you write tomorrow?"

"Well, I'm gonna have to, deadline's in two days. How on earth have I not thought of anything." I groaned in frustration, "Maybe it's time for a career switch."

"You already do every career in the book. Come on, maybe a party could be good inspo?"

I rolled my eyes, "Why does it not surprise me that you're at a party?"

"What else am I supposed to do, Stell? I'm in my twenties and living in the city that never sleeps. Please? Come on, it's really fun here. Logan's here as well."

"Whose party is it?" I sighed, already feeling that I was caving and Erin felt it too, "I don't know, just got an invite today and decided to come check it out. They put me on the VIP-list, so I could definitely get you in and you could skip the queue."

"There's a queue?" I spoke with raised brows, "How fancy is this thing?"

"Wear a dress and heels. I'll text you the address!" And then the line clicked and died.

Sneaky bitch.

I was intrigued though by her explanation and it was a Friday after all. And I lived in New York. And maybe it would give me inspiration to write something the next day. After all, a column didn't have to be long, it just had to be good. But even that I couldn't do.

Linda was going to murder me on Sunday. I rested my forehead on the desk with a groan, smashing some computer keys while doing so and I quickly lifted my head in hopes my forehead had magically created a word. All that I could see though was fthk,,,.

Nothing there.

My phone buzzed again with a text from Erin in which she shared her location. I rolled my eyes but got up either way. Maybe a drink and some company was exactly what I needed tonight. As if Erin didn't drag me to a party every night. It was stupid how easily I was pursuaded.

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