61. (*)

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I squealed audibly when I saw Erin and Logan.

We were meeting up in a coffee bar in the West Village on Monday, the day after Harry and I returned from our road trip. Late Sunday night, we drove into the city from Vermont and dropped off the van, heading towards his apartment sleepily.

I had to tear myself out of his bed this morning. His sleepy, pouty face was almost impossible to resist as he practically begged me to stay with him today. It was safe to say that Harry was quite a clingy person. Especially because today, he was going to go and talk to Matt to figure out the details of him quitting his job.

I wasn't sure how good I felt about him being there on his own. Not that I could really defend him, but I still advised him to be careful. I didn't trust Matt even one bit.

I had only been gone for two weeks, but it felt like I hadn't seen Erin and Logan in a lifetime. The last time I saw them, we just returned from the Catskills and I was all over the place with my emotions. I told them all about Harry and Kristina and I was so confused about everything.

I wasn't anymore. And they could tell.

Their faces weren't contorted in worry when they saw me, but they had wide smiles going on when I skipped over to their table and engulfed them both in tight hugs. One week on my own in DC and one week on the road with Harry, was way too long to be away from my two best friends. I had contact with them on most days while I was gone, but still, it didn't feel the same.

Logan gasped as he clutched my hands, "You got a tan!"

I threw my head back in a giggle, sitting down next to them at the table, "I did, Canada was sunny."

"Another coffee, please!" Erin called out to the barista, who shot us a thumbs-up. Her legs were jittery as she beamed at me, her pupils wide. I chuckled at her behaviour, "Have you been here long?"

"About thirty minutes, I've had three coffees." She giggled and Logan rolled his eyes at me, "She's high on caffeine."

"I can tell." I teased, giving Erin another side hug, "So, tell me what I missed these past two weeks."

I smiled at the barista who handed me my cup of black coffee – something I well and truly missed while living in the van and drinking the terrible coffee we were able to make in there.

Logan shrugged, "Honestly nothing special with me, nothing that I couldn't tell you over the phone in the past few days. It's Erin" He flicked his eyes to her, "who's got the big news."

I never turned my head faster to stare at my best friend with wide eyes, who shamefully hid behind her cup of coffee, cheeks a soft pink. "Erin." I sternly spoke, "What's going on?"

She dropped her eyes with a coy look, "Well... something's been happening and I didn't want to tell you over the phone..."

I stiffened up, "Oh my god?! What is it?"

She straightened up and licked her lips, tucking a strand of curly hair behind her ear, "I've gotten the okay to develop my own clothing line."

I gasped and stared at her, my jaw on the floor. Logan snickered next to me, clearly amused by my reaction while I froze for a good few seconds, "W- Oh my god?!!"

Erin blushed a little deeper when she shyly glanced her eyes up to me, "My manager and I are meeting with a team later this week."

"Your manager?!" I shrieked. More snickering from Logan, "Yeah, his name's Manny. So he's Manny the manager."

Erin shot him a look while I continued staring in shock, "Erin... Holy fucking fuck." I whispered.

She continued chewing her lip, "Can you say something?"

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