14. (*)

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"So... what are we eating?" Harry had a rather unamused and unenthusiastic look on his face as he stared at what was in front of us on the coffee table. I was sitting on the floor between the couch and the table as he was still sitting on the couch, nowhere near the food.

I snorted through my nose, "I can't believe you've never had sushi before."

"It looks weird."

"It's fish." I smiled and he scrunched up his nose, "Yeah. Raw fish."

"Indeed, but like with other stuff in it. And you dip it in sauce and it's really good. Have you ever eaten with chopsticks?"

Harry shot me a deadpanned look and I bit my lip to stifle my grin before getting up my feet, "I'll get you a fork."

"Why did I agree to this." He muttered under his breath as I rummaged the kitchen drawer. I approached him with the fork as if teasingly using it as a weapon, "You said I could choose dinner."

"I thought you'd go for burgers." Harry admitted as he swatted the fork away and I gasped in realization, "Shit, that would've been good too. But hey, this is your sushi virginity so... I'm having fun."

"I'm not." He spoke flatly, eyes on the fish in front of us and I rolled my eyes at his dramatics, "Alright, so... this one you'll like. It's fried shrimp with avocado."

"That doesn't sound too bad."

"It's not." I chuckled, "C'mere, sit down next to me."

"Why aren't we sitting at a table?" Harry sighed as he dropped down on the carpet and I shot him a look, "You're in a complaining mood tonight, aren't you?"

I moved onto the next piece, "This is salmon, also with avocado and some cream cheese. Really good. They're called Philadelphia rolls."

"For the city?"

I held back my laugh and cleared my throat, "No, I think for the brand of cream cheese."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Of course. Fucking hell."

I giggled under my breath before moving on, "This is tuna with seaweed and tempura. Also really good. It's a little spicy. Then this is a tuna roll. And that is unagi."

Harry's face lit up as he smirked, "Ah, unagi." He did the signature Ross-move and I laughed out at his Friends-reference that I knew all too well.

He chuckled along as I nodded, "Yep, unagi. It's eel."

His smile quickly faltered, "Ew."

"It's not bad. Not my favourite either. But you should try it." I advised.

"So how do you use these chopsticks?" He pointed to the ones in my hand and I rolled my lips inside my mouth, "It's kind of hard to explain, I don't know. The top one you hold like a pen, and then the bottom one rests at the base of your thumb and against your ring finger." I used my own fingers to properly place the chopsticks in Harry's hand.

He looked all sorts of confused when I positioned his fingers, "And then try moving a bit. The bottom one should be still and you use your middle finger to move the top one."

He frowned as he slowly tried opening and closing them a bit but they quickly fell to his lap. He sighed as he looked at them, "Give me the fork."

I snickered and handed him the fork, "Here you go."

"I'm too fuckin impatient for this."

"You want to start off with the shrimp one?" I suggested and Harry nodded, "Do you have an alternative for if I hate it?"

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