26. (*)

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As soon as Harry left, I flopped back down on my bed and snuggled in the warm sheets where he had been lying in earlier. I gave him the key with him so he could just come in whenever he got back instead of me having to buzz him up.

Grabbing my phone, I saw a missed call from Erin from when we were sleeping so I just called her back immediately. I rolled on my stomach as she picked up after the third ring.

"Hey bitch." Her raspy voice rang through the phone and I chuckled, "Morning."

She loudly yawned and let out a breath, "Fuck I feel like I've died a few times."

"Tell me about it." I sighed, "Did you have fun?"

"Did you? Never thought I'd see the day where you took drugs." Her tone wasn't disappointing or judging but I still nibbled my lip in slight embarrassment, "Don't worry, first and last time. So," I cleared my throat to change the subject, "what happened with Niall?"

Erin let out a sigh, "I'm not sure. We kissed and stuff and we had been dancing for a while, like flirtingly. And then he got into a talk with Liam and then he just brushed me aside and started making out with that other girl."

I frowned at her words, "That's so weird."

"But, uh..." Erin paused and I raised my brows, "Yes?"

"Fuck." She muttered before drawing a sharp breath, "I kind of... maybe... hooked up with... Zayn...?"

The gasp coming from me was one out of pure shock and my jaw was on the literal floor as I forgot how to blink for a while, "WHAT?" I shrieked.

Erin groaned into the phone, "No shouting, no shouting, please, my head... God, I know, it's insane."

"You fucked Zayn?!" I spoke in a high pitch in pure disbelief and Erin winced again, "Yeah. It was weird. I mean, we were both drunk and I was crying because Niall rejected me and then we got here and he was comforting me and... one thing just led to another."

"Holy shit." I laughed out, "Oh my fucking god." I was murmuring in sheer disbelief that my two best friends had slept together, "Erin, god damn."

"I know." She sighed as I snickered, "So, who made the first move?"

"Definitely me. He was just being so kind, you know, typical Zayn. And I just looked at him and all I could think was 'why the fuck have we never fucked'. So..."

"Oh my god." I repeated, rubbing my forehead, "Is he still there?"

"No, he left like an hour ago. We fell asleep and cuddled and then showered together and then he left."

My eyes were wide again, "Erin!"

"I know!" She cried out, "Fuck, I'm such an idiot!"

"Well, did you at least talk about it?"

"Not really." She muttered, "Everything was so comfortable, like it wasn't awkward at all when we woke up and he was spooning me. And even then in the shower we were sober and naked and it was fine?! Like not weird? And then when he left he kissed me and that was it. I don't know what to do."

"Do you like him?" I mused and Erin sighed, "I don't know? I don't think so, I don't think it was anything more than just sex. I mean, I love him obviously, as a friend. He's important to me and he's a great person, but he is a friend."

"Hmm." I nodded, "Well, maybe he thinks the same? As long as you can both agree that it was just a one night stand, I don't think it'll ruin the friendship."

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