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"Are you good?" I chuckled as Harry fell into me. He had his eyes halfway closed, a very lazy grin on his lips, his shirt untucked from his jeans and buttoned halfway down and his hair a little tousled.

"Hmm." He slurred, lips pink from the amount of kissing. I pushed my key into the lock of my apartment door while Harry lazily leaned into my back, making me stumble into the door from the amount of weight he put on me.

It was around three in the morning when Harry was officially too drunk to stay at the club. He had been falling and bumping into everyone – including all walls and tables – and I ended up having to watch him most of the time which made me decide that we should go home.

I had been about to go to Harry's place since it was much closer, but he insisted we slept at mine. I didn't know what his particular love for my apartment was, but I didn't complain. It was kind of cute that he liked it so much here even if it was the size of a shoebox.

"Easy, easy." I muttered as I steadied his arms and forced him to sit on the couch. Harry's head rolled back while I pushed his hair away from his face, seeing his half-closed eyes. I chewed on my lip, "Do you need anything?"

"You." He pouted, hooking his finger in the neckline of my shirt and I chuckled before gently swatting his hand away, "I'm getting you some water."

Harry groaned in protest but simply did not have the energy to get up by himself, so he just waited for me on the couch as I filled up a nice big glass of water, taking another one for myself too. Even if I wasn't even half as drunk as Harry was, I was definitely still a bit tipsy. I sighed and sat down on the couch next to him, quickly unzipping my boots to give my feet a break after being in heels all night.

"Okay, go slow, small sips." I advised him while I saw Harry gulping down the water. I winced under my breath, "Harry, if you drink too fast, you might have to vomit."

He groaned while shaking his head, "No, 'm not." He slurred out with a thick tongue, hardly separating his words anymore. He swayed on the couch and even though I was slightly worried, it was also very amusing to see him like this.

"Come on, let's get you up... need to brush our teeth."

Harry pouted again and held his arms out, begging me to pull him up. I sighed and tucked my hair behind my ears as I braced myself and pulled at his hands, putting my weight on my back foot before changing it up so we didn't both topple to the floor as Harry fell into me, "Come on, you big baby." I chuckled as he slung an arm over my shoulder and I guided him to the bathroom.

The bright light above the mirror made him wince as he furrowed his brow and brought his one hand up to shield the brightness. I leaned him against the sink counter while reaching for a hair tie to get my long locks out of the way.

"Stell," Harry slurred and I raised my brows, "Hmm?"

My eyes dropped to his fingers which were struggling with his belt, "Need t' pee."

"Oh god." I mumbled before sighing, "Alright." I swatted his hand away after a little protest before I helped him open up his jeans. Harry let out a little giggle when my cold fingers skimmed the skin of his belly and he even hummed in approval when I tugged his pants down. I lifted my head with an arched up eyebrow, "Don't get any ideas. I doubt you could get hard in this state."

Harry's hooded eyes stared into mine as he had a drunk smirk on his lips, blindly reaching for my hand before he pressed my palm to his crotch, "Always for you."

I rolled my eyes when I felt his hardening erection through his jeans, "Not happening. Go on, pee." I nudged my head to the toilet, "Don't tell me I have to hold your dick while doing it." I sighed when Harry didn't move.

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