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"So... what do you think?" I pressed my phone to my ear as I paced around my studio apartment, nibbling on the nail of my thumb as I anxiously waited for Linda's feedback.

She let out a breath, "It's good. Not your best, but I understand you're in a bit of a rut. Honestly, writing a column is hard if your personal life isn't all that... interesting."

I frowned deeply and felt the offence seeping in my body but Linda quickly spoke again, "And I don't mean that to offend you, Stella. I just know you've been single for a while and are not dating anyone or sleeping around. Which is fine, but those are the topics your readers like. You know, the juicy stuff."

"I know." I murmured, "I've been searching for inspo but I always have a hard time in the in-between months. It'll be better once the holiday-season starts." I promised without a leg to stand on and Linda hummed, "I'll forward this to the Brooklyn Post, it'll suffice, don't worry. And you need to have inspo, Stella. You live in NYC, it's impossible not to have inspo." She chuckled.

I sighed and nodded, "You're right. One of my friends gave me an idea about like guys and how they always have a wingman to try and get with someone."

"That could be something for next week. Why don't you start on it already and in case you don't come upon anything better, you can use that for next?"

"Yep, I'm probably going to work on it a bit tonight." I lied and Linda hummed before we ended the call.

Erin was sitting on my bed, scrolling on her phone as usual as I plopped down next to her and let out a heavy sigh, "Another week survived."

"Good job, baby." She praised me, patting my knee. I stared at the cracked ceiling of my apartment and closed my eyes for a second. I hadn't slept more than a few hours the previous night because I was so busy trying to meet this fucking deadline.

A column was nothing more than one page in the paper, but it required a lot of work. And research.

"Are you ready to go eat?" Erin suggested as she closed her phone and looked at me from the side. I still had my eyes closed as I yawned and nodded, "Yes please, b-"

"There's this insane restaurant in town and I have a standing invitation from them." Erin excitedly started and I groaned, "Nooo... I was literally about to suggest burgers from that place with the green door."

"Ah, come on, Stell. I can get us into the nicest places and we get huge discounts for insanely good food. All they ask in return is that we look nice and post about it." She coaxed and I rolled my eyes, "That you post about it."

I knew it was stupid to complain. Erin being an influencer and me being her best friend definitely had its perks. Everyone wanted to be promoted by her and she was a hot commodity, so she always got first line in anything new that opened and they usually gave her a few tickets to bring along friends. Which was mostly me, Zayn and Logan.

"Look, I'll pick out an outfit, you close your eyes for ten minutes." She suggested and I chuckled, "Ten minutes? Erin, you've seen my wardrobe, I don't think you'll need more than three minutes."

She tutted me and walked to my pathetic closet, moving her fingers through the clothes, "I should give you some of the stuff that I get sent, I don't wear half of it." She sighed and I hummed, "We don't have the same size, Erin."

"Yeah, but like for shoes and socks and hoodies and coats and stuff, that doesn't matter too much, does it?"

"You're right, it doesn't." I agreed sleepily as I let Erin rummage my closet.

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