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"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I snapped at Dominic the second Stella had taken a few steps away from us. My eyes were blazing fire at Dominic who didn't seem fazed and pulled out a cigarette, sticking it between his lips as he patted his pockets for a lighter.

I quickly glanced over my shoulder to see Stella walking away from us. Her long brown hair fell over her back and covered most of her puffer coat. She had her hands tucked into the pockets and a beanie to keep her warm as she walked through central park by herself, after we were stopped by Dominic.

"Dominic!" I shouted, "Fucking answer me you fucking idiot!"

He simply shrugged his shoulders, "Dad needs you. And you haven't been answering your phone."

"I was busy." I bit. I knew for a fact that if we weren't surrounded by people, Dominic would be shitting his pants right now to have me this angry with him. I towered over him easily and my arm was bigger than his fucking entire body. He was a lanky 25 year-old and the only thing he had going for himself in life was that he was Matt's son.

Both him and Mike were absolutely worthless.

"How did you even find me?! Stella's going to find this so fucking suspicious!"

"Didn't you say yourself she was naïve? Gullible?" He lit up his cigarette, "she'll be fine, you'll figure something out. And we tracked your phone."

"I turned it off." I grumbled and he chuckled, "Your other phone, idiot."

My jaw clenched as I glared at him, "I will not hesitate to break your kneecap in the middle of central park, Dom. Call me an idiot again."

A flicker of panic and fear shot through his eyes as he then looked behind me to see Stella walking away in the distance, "So that's the famous Stella Cameron, hm? Really nothing special." He commented, changing the subject.

I ran an aggravated hand through my hair, trying to keep my fucking cool before I snapped this kid's neck. He puffed out a breath of smoke, "You two look like a real couple though, could've fooled me."

"Cut the crap." I hissed, "where's Matt?"

Dominic nudged his head to the streets, "Let's take a cab. He's home."

"What the fuck is so important that you have to drag me away from a date?" I grumbled angrily as I followed him towards one of the cabs parked at the sidewalk.

Dominic frowned slightly as he took another drag, "A date? Work, you mean."

"Dating her is my work." I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. If I ever thought Niall and Louis were stupid, Mike and Dominic were on a whole other level. They hardly got any responsibilities in Matt's company for the sole reason that they always royally fucked everything up. They had cost him millions of dollars already from sheer lack of brain.

Even this assignment was so simple yet Dominic couldn't wrap his head around it. Stella's file was one fucking page and that was too much for him to understand.

I slammed the door of the cab while Dominic told the driver the address, and we drove through the streets of New York towards the Upper East Side. Which was my old neighbourhood. I still came to my house every so often to pick something up, but apart from that I basically spent all my time in my new Chelsea-apartment, even if I wasn't busy with Stella. I just preferred it there these days.

Dominic paid the driver and we then walked up into the familiar house. Security let us in and we went through the usual steps of being patted down and checking our identification before we were even let into the front door. Matt wasn't playing around.

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