28. (*)

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This chapter took me on a ride lol. It already has an asterisk but I wanted to specify this is pretty much all BDSM-stuff. It doesn't add much to the storyline so if this makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip! Honestly i don't know what happened but i couldn't stop lol

!! ALSO this story will (apparently lol) contain sexual content in the form of pegging and anal play with both men and women, this will be the only warning for that for future content :)

Buckle up, it's a long one!!


"We need to do it at your apartment tomorrow." I spoke into the phone as I walked through the grocery store. I was awkwardly pushing the cart forward with one hand and steering it slightly straight with the use of my hip as one hand held the phone to my ear.

"Yeah?" Harry asked, "Why?"

I chuckled, "Because you've got a headboard to which I can tie you up and my bed doesn't."

His laughter rang through the device and into my ear, making my grin, "Fucking hell, what've you got planned for us, angel?"

"You'll see." I teased as I grabbed a box of crackers.

He groaned into the phone, "No, give me a little taste of what's to come."

I let out a breath, "Do you want to know?" I scanned the aisles around me to make sure no one could listen in as I heard Harry humming. I lowered my voice as I pretended to grab something from the corner, "I kind of have a three-fold plan." I started.

Harry didn't say anything but let out a shaky breath at my words, "You're going to ruin me, aren't you?"

I bit my lip to stifle my giggle, "I plan on it. So I'm going to get you all worked up first and then the first of the three parts requires my mouth." I licked my lips as I faintly smiled at a woman in the distance who was seemingly approaching me but then took another aisle, "And I'm going to take my time. Nice and slow. Work you all good and deep in my throat just the way you like it."

"Yeah?" Harry sounded breathless already and I hummed at him, "Yes. And then you're gonna cum in my mouth and I'll get you hard again so I can ride you. And if you can't get hard in time for me I'll get myself off on your thigh."

Harry's breath hitched in his throat, "Christ, Stella..."

"And then you're going to come inside of me." I mumbled as I pretended to scan the milk fridge, "And then for the third part, I'm going to have you turn around and I'll play with you if you let me."

Silence for a moment until Harry sharply exhaled, "With my ass?"


I knew Harry had never been pegged before and this was new territory for him. I didn't know if he'd be into it, if he'd let me do what I wanted to try, but part of me felt like he would. Simply to test it out.

"Fuck." He grunted and I smiled, "Would you like that?"

Another short breath, "Yes, yes. God, yes. But, um... 'm a little nervous, to be honest."

"That's okay." I reassured him, "that's normal. But you don't have to be."

"It won't hurt?"

"No." I shook my head, "it won't hurt."

"But I've never done that before."

I smiled again, "I know."

"So... don't I need like... prep? I mean when I fuck girls in their ass I stretch them and stuff."

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