34. (*)

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It was around nine in the morning when I opened my eyes. I was tightly pressed into Harry's side, my head in his neck and my entire body curled around him as we laid on one half of his mattress.

He was breathing peacefully beneath me. His eyes were closed, lashes resting on his cheekbones as his pink lips were parted and a little chapped. His hair was tousled, his chest bare and I felt the gentle thumps of his heart beneath my palm as it rested above his heart.

My eyes then immediately saw the red line around my wrist and I chewed on my lip as I inspected the bruise, caused mostly by myself. I tugged hard on those cuffs. My ankles were burning, my wrists sore. The skin of my throat was red too from the collar, my nipples on fire, my thighs sensitive from everything Harry had put me through the night before.

Not that I didn't enjoy every single second of it up until the point he wanted to eat me out. I simply could not handle another round or handle any touching to that area for a while.

Even in the shower I insisted on washing myself, doing so with the necessary flinches and hisses because everything was so sore and overstimulated. Harry washed my hair though, stroked his palms up and down my arms as he coaxed praises into my ear. He had been gentle and affectionate all evening, caring for me by rubbing lotion over my thighs and wherever the cuffs had been.

He had made me a nice warm cup of tea to soothe my dry throat afterwards and let me sleep in a wide shirt of his. I ditched the underwear for the night, deciding that friction from any fabric right now was probably not a good idea.

My pussy was angry.

Five orgasms had been a lot. That quickie in the beginning had been rough enough to wear me out but Harry hadn't even really started back then. What came after was hours and hours of white hot burning pleasure mixed with a good amount of pain.

Harry had carried me to the shower after that and even now my legs were still buzzing. He changed the sheets and we watched a movie in bed but I fell asleep after about fifteen minutes. I was knackered.

I gently rolled myself off of Harry without waking him, seeing him roll his head to the side with a small puff of air before he continued his deep sleep.

With just the shirt on – which covered my ass – I padded out of the bedroom and into his living room. My legs were a little wobbly and unstable but I managed to quietly get into the kitchen to make us some coffee. I downed a glass of water for my burning throat and scanned his fridge for something that I could make for breakfast. I definitely felt like I had done a crazy workout the day before and my muscles protested every move. I'd feel this for days.

I was hardly gone for ten minutes when my phone buzzed on the counter.

Message from: Harry

Come back.

I smiled at my screen before giggling out a laugh and making my way back to the bedroom, seeing Harry with open eyes engulfed in the white cotton sheets. His pout was adorable as he looked at me, "Don't like waking up alone."

"Sorry baby." I whispered as I crawled back underneath the sheets, joining him on the mattress. Harry was quick in wrapping his arm around me, pressing his face to my neck with a sigh, "Better."

"Did you sleep well?" I asked while playing with some of his curls. It felt like lately we spent all our time in a bed. Not that I was complaining even in the slightest.

"Hmm." He hummed, "Did you?"


"You were tired." He remarked and I chuckled into his chest as I cuddled into him, "Nice observation."

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