17. (*)

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Double update today bc I felt like it and am procrastinating other tasks in the meantime while I post ❤️


"You can give that present to me later, need you to suck my dick now." I groaned as I shoved Stella inside her apartment. She had a cheeky look on her face as she tried to slow things down and tease me.

She knew she had the upper hand now ever since I had made her come in that alley and now I was the one aching and burning for her and she held all the power.

But I needed her now, I needed her right now. I was throbbing in my pants and so fucking hard, ruining my boxers with the pre-come leaking from my slit. The taste of her was still on my tongue as Stella slowly shrugged her puffer coat off and shot me a small smile, "Sit down." She instructed, nudging her head towards her desk chair.

"Baby." I whined impatiently and she tutted me, "Harry, sit down." Her voice sounded stern.

I sighed and obliged, my fingers itching to just throw her on the bed or fuck her against the door, but part of me was definitely intrigued with a dominant Stella and I kind of wanted to see how this played out.

"Oh," Her voice stopped me and I turned around to see her again before I reached the chair, "Before you do... take your clothes off." She added.

I breathed out a chuckle as I smirked at her, "Gladly." In record time, I yanked off my pants and thrown my jumper and t-shirt to the floor, leaving me in just my grey boxers that had a dark patch in them. My dick was contained by the stretchy material, tucked into the right leg of it and I hissed as I finally sat down on the desk chair like she had asked me to.

Stella still had all of her clothes on and walked around the room a little, dimming some lights and putting a record on the player, which made a soft jazz tune fill the apartment. In the meantime, my body was shaking in anticipation and need.

When she came back in my vision, she held up a camera and had a small smirk on her face. It was an old school camera and she lifted it up to her face, squeezing one eye shut as she looked through the lens and her finger hovered over the button, "Smile."

My eyes widened, "What? Are you taking pictures of me?"

Stella lowered the camera and giggled, "I develop them myself, don't worry, Harry. For my eyes only."

She used my own words back to me and I relaxed into the chair, chuckling to myself.

"Touch yourself." She instructed me, "over your boxers."

She kept the camera up and I breathed out as I did what she asked, pressing my palm down on my stiff length while she took a picture of me. The flash lit up the entire apartment and she took about three pictures of me sitting on the chair before lowering the camera and handing it to me, "Your turn."

I licked my lips as I held onto the camera and watched her through the lens, stripping slowly.

My finger hovered over the button but I lowered the camera to see this with my own eyes. Stella swayed her hips to the soft music as she took off piece by piece of her clothing. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw the red lace bra covering her tits. The lace showed the edge of her hard nipples, barely covering her.

She smiled to herself upon seeing my flustered reaction. The intricate lingerie made her look phenomenal, and more pre-come beaded at my tip and leaked from me as she arched her back out and pushed her ass back to slide her jeans down her thighs. She bent over completely, legs stretched and urging me to fuck her from behind until the jeans pooled at her ankles and she slipped her feet from them.

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